Chapter twelve

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Tuesday night

When I awake, I am in the hospital. I was in so much pain, it felt like the pain medication wasn't helping at all. Mateo, Vante and Carter are sitting in the chairs and jump up when they see I'm awake.

"Hi." I force a smile.

"You better not be pregnant." Mateo huffs making eye contact. "The only babies you better be popping out are Matoels."

He makes me giggle which make me screech in pain. They all looked worried. I reach my hand under my gown to feel the tight material wrapped around me. The doctor walks in holding his clipboard and some papers.

"Noel sweetie, how are you feeling?" He urges the guys to back away from around me.

"In pain, it hur-

"Is she pregnant doc?" Mateo interrupts.

"No." He laughs. "She was suffering from internal bleeding and a minor external slice. She should be okay now and ready to go home again." He hands me papers for me to sign.

"I assume the bruises on your neck are from the altercation as well?" The doctor asks.

"No, I tried to strangle her myself." Vante states grinning making the doctor look suspiciously at him.

"Yes." I answer handing him back the papers as Kai busts in the room.

"Are you okay!? What did they do to you?" He comes to my bedside and holds my hand.

As I open my mouth I am cut off my Carter, "She's fine. You need to leave."

I open my mouth again to speak but am cut off once more by Kai this time. "I'm not going anywhere." He let's go of my hand and steps in Carter face.

"Kai." I groan in pain. "I'll call you tonight I promise."

"Noel." He gives me that look.

That look: a look that symbolizes bullshit. That the other person is getting fed up with everything.

"Kai can come over with me for the night." I look at Carter.

"Fuck no." He rolls his eyes.

"I will let you all settle this. If you have any more problems, let me know Noel." The doctor gives me a smile before leaving.

"Thanks doc." Vante whispers as he hands him a tip before he walks out the door.

"Carter, please just tonight." I give him pleading eyes.

He rolls his eyes and nods.

Vante and Carter lift me up carefully and sit me in a wheelchair. They take me to the truck and we head home. Kai lets me know that he has to make a stop at work then he'll be over. I'm taken up to my bed and they all stay for a while.

"Where's Raven." I ask.

"She was at the hospital with us. She was just with the nurse getting snacks and rode home with Mateo and Vante." Carter answers. "She's in bed now."

"Tell is what happened." De'Vante urges.

"Nicole came with Paisley saying that Carter said it was okay for her to be here. I knew she lied, but I ignored her and let her stay. After cleaning, Raven ran to me crying. She told me that Paisley yelled at her and told her she wasn't smart. I told her that we'd go out for sno cones and she felt somewhat better. She waited in her room and picked out her clothes and I noticed that that bitch was gone. I went to your room of course and seen her trying to steal your stuff. They put their hands on me, we fought, I fell and hit my stomach on the rail sticking out on your bed."

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