The kidnapping

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Boots POV
We woke up in the morning and Swiper got out his map, the only problem was that Swipers map didn't show my house but it did show Dora's house.

"Hey we could go to Dora's house and use her map to find your place" Swiper offered. I was kinda worried about seeing Dora but I wanted to get home so I just nodded.

After Swiper had checked my ankle we got ready to start moving. I tried to stand up but the moment I put any weight on my ankle pain shot up my leg and I fell to the ground

"Boots what did I tell you?" Swiper sighed "you won't be able to walk for a few weeks!" And with that he picked me up again bridal style and started to walk towards Dora's house.

Swiper POV
After I picked up Boots and started walking to Dora's I started thinking about what will happen to Boots now that we know Diego's a creep and is definitely after Boots

"Hey Boots do you have anywhere to go if Diego comes for you?" I asked, looking down at the little monkey in my arms
"Umm I guess Dora but I'm not sure if she is on my side of this" he replied then winced in pain when his ankle moved suddenly.

"You can always come to mine" I told him and just then we rounded the corner to witness Dora and Diego screaming at each other in Spanish

"¡Aléjate!!! ¡Has estado parado aquí toda la noche, tirándome a compadecerme para dejarte llegar a las botas!!! ¡No te lo mereces!! VETE A CASA HIJO DE PUTA!!!" Screamed Dora.

"I know the last word was motherfucker-" Boots started, but then Dora screamed "GET OUTTTT!!!!!!!"grabbed a knife and started chasing Diego... Diego was running for his life.

"You have some explaining to do!" She said to me and boots. "And you don't?!!" Asked Boots.

Dora POV
After I threw the knife at Diego (I missed) I casually walked back inside wishing I owned a gun.
"Ok explanation now" I said to Boots and Swiper who were sat on the couch trying not to laugh.

"Well after I left the party I took a wrong turn on the way back to mine and got lost. I ran into Swiper and we talked out our differences and Swiper offered to let me stay at his for the night." Boots told me "but I may have stepped in one of Diego's animal traps and now I can't walk" my eyes instantly went to his ankle and saw Swipers bandanna wrapped around his ankle.

"Hey Dora do you know how to tend to Boots's wounded ankle?" Swiper asked me
"No I don't" I answered "do you?"
" I know a little bit. How about each morning I come and check on him?" He offered

"That seems like like a hassle for you, I have a spare room that you and Boots can stay in" I replied
"I'm still unsure about you Swiper but if Boots trusts you then so do I."

Boots POV (1 week later)
I was limping my way to Swipers house for a movie night but I could shake the feeling that someone was watching me.

It's been like this for all week but I don't think that it's Diego, after all Dora did threaten to stab him if he got to close to me. Just as I saw Swipers house I felt something wrap around my mouth and neck.

My hands flew up to my neck and I felt a leather collar with a thick chain attached to it. Just as I was about to pull it off myself someone pulled the chain and I fell into someone's arms.

I felt a needle being pushed into my neck and a liquid being injected into me causing my eyes to sag and my brain to go numb. The last thing I saw before blacking out was Diego smiling down at me.

Swiper POV
It has been three hours since when Boots was supposed to arrive but he still wasn't here yet. I knew that something had happened to him and I could only settle on one conclusion..... Diego

I sprinted threw the bush to Boots's house just to find that it was empty. He might be at Dora's so I ran to her place. She was alone at hers. Together we ran towards Diego's house because we both knew that it was him.

Word count: 754 words

Swiper no Swiping my heart!!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu