Chp. 10

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- Same day -
- Naomi pov -

I heard rocky come home. "Rocky your home?"

"Yea I am ma" He walked into the kitchen and I saw he faced all cut up.

"What happened" I quickly got up and examined his face.

"Jordan happened"

"you win?" I asked.

"Of course" He smiled. I smiled kissing his cheek. He winced because of the cut he had.

"We're your first aid?"

"I'm the bathroom" He pointed. I went over r to the bathroom. He was sitting on the counter looking at his feet. I walked over opening up the aid. I got some alcohol wipes.


"for what?" He asked looking at me while I cleaned up his face.

"For coming into your life, I could tell you and Jordan were good friends and I had to ruin i"

"Naomi, I'm grateful you came into my life you've brought life into it. After Lana aborted my child and cheated on me it broke me, I went fucking different girls, drinking and popping pills, never stopping because I was heartbroken, then I saw you dancing in the video and I knew you were pure good vibes, that's why I invited you and trusted you with the passcode and even when my boys" I smiled at him. "And who knew what Jordan has done to other girls before you, and you were the first one to say anything"

"I'm grateful for your Rakim," I said getting closer to him. "Your the only man who has respected me and ask me how I feel and everything. I've never told anyone but, this wasn't the first time I was abused, I got pregnant and my boyfriend at the time didn't want a baby so he kicked me and abused me the next day I had a miscarriage,"

"I'm so sorry, I can promise you, I am not like that nomi, I will love you give you all the attention you want and need," He closed in the gap between up, he kissed me and I felt that feeling when we kissed the first time we meant. "I love you"

I said nothing but the truth "I love you too Rakim"

A/N: ill be making a sequel to this and hopefully it'll be longer than 10 chapters don't forget to comment and vote 😇

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