Going Home

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The morning was like any other Autumn morning in New Haven, Connecticut. Slightly obscured vision from the fog, the smell of crisp autumn air was unlike any other. The crunching of leaves under a pair of tattered Oxford shoes was Manon's favorite sound. Just her and the rustling of leaves beneath her feet as the sun struggled to peek out from beneath the veil of dense fog. Manon didn't believe in breakfast as being the most important meal of the day, so she casually lit up her morning cigarette on the early walk to Maxwell Manor. How she dreaded that place, but it was home. Her brothers helped to make it more bearable. Manon was the youngest of five siblings and the only girl. Percival was the eldest, followed by Francis, Oliver, Etienne, and Alistair.

Standing outside and admiring the historic three-story Victorian Gothic architecture that is Maxwell Manor, Manon took one last long drag of her cigarette as if it would give her some kind of good luck.

"You should consider kicking the habit" insisted a gruff voice.

Startled out of her observations of the manor, Manon quickly turned her head to a familiar voice- she knew it was her older brother Percival. 

"The day I see you stop smoking is when I'll kick the habit," Manon stated matter-of-factly, giving Percival a wink and placing a gentle kiss on his cold, slender cheek.

"What are you doing out so early?" Manon questioned her eldest brother. 

"Couldn't sleep.." Percival responded shrugging his shoulders. Manon nodded her head in agreement. You might possibly catch Manon taking walks at all hours of the day and night. "Blame it on the Maxwell curse, right?" Manon said jokingly.

"Shall we?" Percival asked Manon with his arm extending out for her to take hold. Exhaling a deep breath, Manon replied "If we must." Manon grabbed ahold of her brother's arm and they proceeded to enter through the doors of their childhood home. 

A/N: Thanks so much for reading! Sorry for the short chapter. I've been inspired by some of my favorite 'Dark Academia' publishers and thought I would give my own story a go! I'm not quite sure where this story is going to go, but I hope you stick with me throughout this creative journey. xx

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