The Nations Game?

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In an undisclosed conference room in the Jones Mansion

Nevada, Florida, California, Georgia, Alabama, Colorado, Texas, New York, and Mississippi sat around the oval table. Quiet chattering filled the room but in no way was the atmosphere relaxed. Each and everyone one of them only really had one thing on their mind.


From the head of the table Nevada began to speak, "Alright you sick mofos. We've played this game long enough. It's time to put an end to it." The room went silent.

He pulled a board from behind his desk that read:

10 Points- Liechtenstein, Belarus.

5 Points- China, Japan, Germany, North Italy, England.

4 Points- South Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Prussia, Ukraine.

3 Points- The Baltics, The Nordics, Belgium, Hungary.

1 Point- France.

"Let's go over the rules of the game. You've had two years to rack up points. Your goal was to interact with the nations without them realizing you're a state. Interactions can include online relationships ,intimate relationships, platonic relationships, and random encounters. Each individual interaction counts and the winning group gets their point total times 100 in cash. Paid for by the loser of course. Just a reminder Russia was (and is) off limits due to him fucking our father. In addition France is only one point because he's a manwhore." The room echoed a chorus of agreements which started up a conversation on how easy it was to get France into their beds. The general consensus was the simplest way was to wine and dine him, though Florida was making a valiant attempt to steer the conversation towards the topic of nude beaches.

Now, Texas wasn't a patient man but he was a big one, so when he slammed his palms down on the table the room was silenced. "If you're done stalling, then I'd like to get this show on the road."

"You're just scared we're gonna win." called Georgia as she leaned back in her chair crossing her legs so her skirt slid up her thighs.

"You should cover yourself Georgy" mumbled Colorado, his eyes fluttering. He wasn't really all there at the moment. His high was fading and he was more than a little sleepy. "The only one here interested in your body is Sweet Home Alabama over there."

Georgia just glared at him from across the table not saying a word.On the other hand Alabama was not so forgiving, she stood up suddenly. "You son of a bitch! My preferences are none of your business! Your hella lucky I don't leap over this table and shoot you right where you stand, but my Daddy taught me better so I won't." 

"Look y'all can we just get to the competition now!" spoke up Mississippi.

"Fine then... If you're so confident, you go on then." Huffed Alabama.

"I think I just might hun."

Nevada attempting to regain control of the situation said, "Team Casino FruitCake will go first. That's me, Mississippi, and Georgia.. Georgia you wanna read out our exploits."

"Sure thang. Nevada sold pictures of Russia to Belarus on four separate occasions. I drank tea with England and yes it was that nasty ass british tea. It was warm what kind of tea is warm and UNSWEET! You have no idea how much I suffer-"

"Get to the point"

"Ahemm... Right sorry.I only did that once. Mississippi ran into North Italy at a pasta convention. Literally .Nevada partied with Prussia. And I ended up meeting with Japan to talk about anime and manga. He's just absolutely adorable just FYI. I just want to squish his little cheeks. I know he's older than me but-"

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