Through the Window

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America's POV

He was late. Well Germany would say he was late. Hell! The whole conference would say he was late, but in truth a hero was never late. And what a hero he was. He kept the world in line, he kept his people happy, and most importantly he kept his kids safe. It was with this thought that he ran around the whole three story house stopping at each and every room telling his children goodbye, and kissing his youngest, little Alaska and Hawaii, on the forehead. When he'd finally gone through each and every room, he raced toward the door car keys in hand, his classic jacket on his back. He threw open the door and ran straight into Tony. He was momentarily stunned but he recovered quickly saying,

"Great Tony! Glad I caught you dude. Watch the little ones for me while I'm gone will ya? I've been told the older kids are having an important meeting. Something about a Key Lime Pie, a cat, and a hang glider."
"Shit fuck you" (You will buy me the new Call of Duty.)

"Sure dude! Catch you later!"

And with that America hopped in the car and sped off to the nearest Micky D's. He had to grab his morning burger after all. When he got to the drive through window, he couldn't find his credit card, luckily he had cash. Nevertheless he was now really really late. No! No. The hero was never late. Yep that's right hero's are never late. Others were just early.
When he finally made it to the conference room he could tell Germany was fuming.

"AMERICA! Where the hell have you been?! We've been waiting for half an hour!"

"Just grabbin a burger dude! A hero has to have his nutrition! Can't fight crime on an empty stomach!"

Germany looked like he was about to blow his gasket. His face was all scrunched up and the vein on his forehead appeared as though it was going to burst. With a quick look around the room it seemed he wasn't the only one.

"America you twat! You were supposed to present first, but look at the time. Though I guess it's for the best considering you probably just created another superhero replica."
"It's true mon amie. Though more importantly, look at my sexy hair. Isn't it fantastique? It gets better every minute. What a shame Amérique, that your poor hair will never be as beautiful as mine."

He thought his hair looked just fine, thank you. Russia even said Nantucket was sexy as hell and France didn't seem to mind back during the revolution. Stupid France.

"You bloody frog. Nobody cares about your hair. In fact I think it looks rather silly."

At that point, in true meeting fashion. The room burst into chaos.

"You black sheep of Europe-" shrieked France as he leapt out of his chair at the unsuspecting englishmen.

"Look at that awesome fight!"

"Ve, does anyone have any PASTA?"


"Tomato Bastard! Get away from me!"

"Don't touch me there!"



"Has anyone seen my panda aru?"


"THAT IS ENOUGH!!!" Screamed germany. He picked up his chair and smashed it against the table. It splintered, pieces flew across the room knocking out Lithuania, and causing Russia to bat a piece away with his pipe. America honestly had no idea where he pulled that pipe from. He'd torn the nation's clothes many times, but had never actually seen where the pipe was stored. "Mein gott, what is wrong with all of you? Why must we do this every single time we meet. America go sit down. Italy there is no pasta. France, Spain, remove your hands, we do not engage in such inappropriate activities in public. It is disgraceful!" And as always the room was inevitably quiet, for no one, not even America himself, wished to be on the receiving end of the German Nation's wrath. America found his seat quickly and sat down. He was seated next between Ukraine and France, who was now separated from England by Switzerland, and across from Russia.

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