Chap 1

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HARTBIG fic! NSFW, your feels are safe...for now. This story, I'm sure you can guess from the title, is highly explicit, so if your under 18 just don't tell me cause then I'll feel bad lol. This is an AU fic.
1. Graceful Thinking
"You are a prude, Grace" Michael said throwing his hands up in the air and walking away from the blonde woman sitting on the couch. Her wavy hair was messy and her white T-shirt was wrinkled and bunched up.
The woman, Grace, stood up from the couch and kept her head down. She wouldn't even look at Michael with his tight muscle shirt and arms that were the size of her legs.
"I am not a prude Michael," Grace said softly. "I just...I don't want to sleep with you."
"We've been dating for two years Grace! How long were you expecting me to wait to have sex with you? Until after we're married?"
Grace shrugged.
"You can't even answer that?"
"I am not ready to sleep with you."
Michael stepped right into Grace's personal space. "Can you say it?"
Grace lifted her gaze up to Michael for the first time. "Say what?"
"Sex. Say the word."
"I can say it!" Grace said defensively.
"Okay then, say it."
"No, why? That's so stupid."
"Say it Grace."
Grace stood up straighter and took a deep breath. "S...Sss...Se..." She bit her lip and lowered her gaze again.
Michael scoffed. "You're a prude! You know what Grace, I love you but we can't work like this."
"Michael I've never done it before, you can't wait for me?"
"I waited for two years," Michael said. "You've been to therapy and you've been trying to work out all your psychological bullshit that's stopping you from having sex with me. It's not working!"
Grace's eyes filled with tears. "I'm sorry Michael."
Michael put his hands on Grace's cheeks and lifted her face up to look at him. "You are gorgeous and sweet, I love spending every minute with you, but I can't do this anymore. Whatever you need to do to get comfortable with sleeping with me do it, and then come find me."
Grace pushed his hands away. "No Michael, I'm not going to find you, you're supposed to wait for me, you're supposed to help me."
"Well here's a reality check Gracie, no one's gonna fucking wait for you," Michael said. "I'm probably the only guy in the world who would wait as long as I did. Get your shit together or you're gonna end up alone."
"But if it was true love..."
Michael laughed aloud. "You poor deluded girl, you really think love exists?"
"But you said..."
"Yes I love you, but you're not the first girl I've loved and you're definitely not the last," Michael scoffed grabbing his jacket from the nearby chair. "If you ever need sex you can call me Grace."
"If you walk out that door you won't hear from me again," Grace said losing her temper for the first time but reining it in quickly and directing her gaze back down to the floor.
"Fine," Michael said with a derisive snort. "Have fun being an asexual freak."
With those words Michael stormed out of Grace's apartment slamming the door behind him. Grace broke into tears almost instantly and let her body fall on the couch. She cried for a good five minutes before she dragged herself up and went to her computer. She went to Google and typed in, "How to be more sexual?"
The first thing she saw was a blog called, "Natural Sexuality." She clicked on it and saw the author's name at the top, "Mamrie Hart: Sex Therapist."
"Sexuality should be a natural impulse that should emerge from you instinctively. By nature woman are much more sexual than men, that is why women are often over-sexualized in the media and the idea of lesbians is a lot more appealing than the idea of gay men. That being said, who better to learn sex from than from a woman?"
Grace glanced at a picture of the author in the corner. She was a tall red headed woman who was older than her but not really old.
"I own a club in Los Angeles called The Hook and it is a place where people of all kinds can come and explore their sexuality. It is a place where you can bring out the natural sexuality that you have hidden beneath the surface. It doesn't matter if you're gay, straight, bisexual, pansexual, transgender, everyone is welcome."
"The Hook," Grace said. "Never heard of it."
She thought about what Michael said how she had tried therapy and even medications, but it couldn't help her with the anxiety she felt whenever it came to intimacy and sex. So much so that she couldn't even say the word!
She felt her face heat up at just the thought of the word. She read the last line of the article that said, "Sometimes to explore your sexuality you have to tell the world 'fuck you' and take a damn risk."
Grace bit her lip in nervousness. The only risk she had ever taken in her whole life was wearing brown pants with black shoes. She wouldn't get on roller coasters, she wouldn't drive not even one mile past the speed limit, and she couldn't handle confrontation. She looked at the name of the club. The Hook. It sounded like a risky place and that scared the crap out of Grace in ways that were unexplainable to her.
She moved the mouse to the close box then paused. She bit her lip harder drawing out a little blood. She darted her tongue out and licked the blood away grimacing at the metallic taste it had. "Come on Grace," she said, "You can't even look people in the eye."
She moved the mouse to the tool bar Google Maps and typed in The Hook. Gulping she typed in the address into her GPS then went into her room to change.
The Hook was not on the main street like the other clubs. It was in the backside surrounded on either side by two dark alleyways. Every thing about the place screamed out "shady" but Grace built up her courage and parked across from it. She stepped out of the car and walked across to the club that was pumping loud techno music.
Grace had worn a nice black dress that was tight on the top half but showed no cleavage and flowy on the bottom half that extended past her knees. The moment she stepped into the club she smelled the strong odor of cigarettes and alcohol. The club was jam packed with people who were all over the place, dirty dancing and screaming at the male and female dancers on small stages. In dark corners Grace could see people on top of each other doing all sorts of naughty things that Grace was very glad she couldn't see. The thought of it made her more nervous than she could handle. She walked to the bar nearly at a running speed and tried to get the attention of the bartender: a woman in a metallic bra and bikini set and knee high black leather boots.
Grace's eyes widened and thought, what the heck did I get myself into?
"Can I buy you a drink beautiful?" Grace turned at the deep voice that addressed her. He was a tall blonde guy with a confident grin on his face and a cut off gym shirt that showed basically his whole torso.
Grace stammered nervously. "Uh I don't think so..."
"Come on baby," he said stepping up really close to her.
"No," Grace said putting her hands on his chest and pushing him back.
"You can't be in here alone beautiful," he insisted getting even closer.
Grace started to panic. "N-No p-please n-no..."
The guy immediately backed away from Grace. A tall woman stepped in between them and Grace immediately recognized her as the writer of that article, Mamrie Hart.
Hank stammered, "Mamrie..."
"Shut up! This is a place for people to feel comfortable enough to explore their sexuality, that means when someone says 'No' it's fucking 'NO!'"
Hank looked sheepish. "I'm sorry Mamrie."
"Don't apologize to me," Mamrie said.
Hank looked at Grace directly and Grace averted her eyes unable to lock eyes with him. "I apologize, really I'm so sorry."
Mamrie looked at Grace who nodded shyly and softly said, "It's okay."
"Hank you can fuck off now," Mamrie said. Hank immediately scampered away like a scolded puppy as Mamrie turned around to Grace. "Are you okay?"
Grace looked up at her for a moment, nodded her head, then looked back down to the floor.
"What is your name darling?"
"Grace sweetie, what are you doing here?"
Grace looked at her again, "I read your blog."
"Ah, okay, saved me from introducing myself," Mamrie said. "So then what was it about my blog that intrigued you? What are you looking for?"
Grace shrugged.
"Come with me darling," Mamrie said. "It's hard to talk over this loud music."
Grace hesitated.
"Don't be scared, you're safe with me."
Grace nodded then followed Mamrie away from the bar and towards the back of the club where there was a bright red door that said in gold letters "Dr. Mamrie Hart, Private Office."
Mamrie opened the door and Grace timidly stepped into the office where there was colorful furniture everywhere. The wood desk was painted neon green, the chairs were bright yellow like a highlighter, the carpet was very soft and bouncy and a light royal blue color. The ceiling was a giant mirror and the rest of the walls were painted purple.
"I really like skittles," Mamrie said with a small laugh.
Grace chuckled. "I like skittles too."
"My friend who designed the room for me is a lesbian, so she really rainbow-fied it for me," Mamrie said taking a seat behind her desk. "Have a seat Grace."
Grace nodded and sat across from her.
"So now Grace, tell me what you're looking for?"
Grace bit her lip and looked down at her hands that were fidgeting together.
"How long have you had Anxiety?"
Grace's head shot up in surprise. "How did you know?"
"You can't look people in the eye, you get really nervous around people, and you have nervous mannerisms like biting your lip and fidgeting."
Grace shrugged. "I don't know, ever since I was a kid."
"Do you think my article can cure your anxiety?" Mamrie asked.
"You said that it should be natural," Grace said.
"It? You mean sexuality?"
Grace bit her lip and nodded.
Mamrie leaned forward. "Can you say the word sexuality?"
Grace shook her head. "You said people have to take risks."
"So this is you taking a risk?" Mamrie said.
Grace nodded.
"You come to a sex club dressed like you're going to church and freak out when someone offers you a drink?" Mamrie said.
Grace stood up. "You're right, I shouldn't even be here. I'm just gonna leave, sorry for wasting your time, have a..."
"Now wait a minute," Mamrie said standing up. "I didn't say you didn't belong here."
"No, no buts, I can help you," Mamrie said. "I can help you find what you're looking for."
Grace sat back down. "How?"
Mamrie sat back down as well. "Grace, what is your sexual preference?"
Grace shrugged and said, "I like men."
"You don't seem so sure."
"I used to have a friend who was a girl and I thought she was attractive."
"But you've never had like fantasies about her?"
"Fantasies? I don't have fantasies," Grace said.
Mamrie looked stunned. "Ever?"
Grace shook her head.
"About men or women?"
Mamrie took a deep breath. "Okay, that's pretty severe, but I think I have the solution. How long did you have this friend?"
"She's still my friend, she just moved to New York for college and got a job there," Grace said. "We talk on the phone sometimes."
"Do you feel comfortable around women more than men?"
Grace thought about it for a moment then nodded her head.
Mamrie smiled. "That's what I thought. I helped this girl a few years back who had a traumatic thing happen to her and she's become my star apprentice. She's a lesbian and a very good friend. She's the perfect person to help you."
Grace stood up red faced. "No, no I can't sleep with a woman, that's wrong, no!"
"Why is it wrong?" Mamrie said.
Grace stammered. "Well uh..."
"Cause some bigots wrote it in a Bible and said it was the word of God?" Mamrie said.
Grace sighed deeply. "No, it's not wrong like that, it's just..."
"Do you remember the first thing I said in my blog after I said that sexuality was a natural instinct?" Mamrie said.
Grace gulped. "That women were more...than men."
Mamrie grinned. "You said you were taking a risk right?"
Grace nodded her head. "Okay, let's do it."
2. Graceless
The house was small and quaint but decorated like a mansion. The leather couches were of the best quality, the glass table in the middle of the room looked like pure crystal, and the floors were made of all glass that gave a great view of light blue clean water from the ocean.
The kitchen had a silver stove, a giant silver fridge, and all silver cabinets around the kitchen. Grace was astonished she could only imagine what the bathroom and bedroom would look like. She shuddered immediately afterwards knowing what would happen in there.
"Relax Grace, there's no reason to be scared," Mamrie said.
"Then how come I feel like I'm about to jump off a cliff?"
"Because you are Grace," Mamrie said, "You're about to jump off the cliff of your comfort zone and bring out the sexual being you have trapped beneath your fear."
Grace gulped.
Mamrie chuckled and grabbed Grace's shoulders. "Don't be scared Grace, be excited that you're finally gonna find the real Grace and bring her out for everyone to see."
"What if I unleash her and no one likes her?" Grace said. "What if I don't like her?"
Mamrie laughed. "You don't like her now, if not you wouldn't be here now. It can only get better Grace, and let me tell you, I can see the hidden woman you have trapped in there and I like her a lot."
"Really?" Grace said nervously.
Mamrie grinned and nodded. "And I'm a damn good judge of character."
There was a knock on the door and Grace jumped. "Is that her?"
Mamrie looked at her watch. "Oh yes, she's always punctual, not ever a minute early or late."
"It's her OCD," Mamrie said walking to the door and opening it. "There you are!"
"Mamrie!" The short brunette girl with short hair that was only in the middle because the sides were shaved nearly jumped on Mamrie giving her a hug. Grace noticed that she had cerulean blue eyes and that her face looked so smooth and friendly.
Grace immediately felt safe around her, even more so than with her best friend whom she had spoken to over the phone the night before. She had called Michael all sorts of horrible names for what he did to Grace, and then proceeded to encourage her to do this 'treatment' with Mamrie.
"Grace," Mamrie said bringing the girl over to her, "This is Hannah. Hannah, this is Grace."
"Nice to meet you Grace," Hannah said with a charming smile extending her hand for a shake.
Grace hesitated but then gripped Hannah's hand and gave it a firm shake.
"Okay, I'll leave you two to get acquainted," Mamrie said, "Remember girls, if you need help call me I'm always here for you."
"Everything will be perfect," Hannah said confidently.
Mamrie scoffed. "Of course it will, you wouldn't have it any other way."
Mamrie waved goodbye and made her way out of the apartment shutting the door behind her. The moment Mamrie was gone Grace felt that awkward silence come in. She lowered her gaze to the floor and started wringing her hands.
"So Mamrie tells me you can't even say the word sex huh?" Hannah said.
Grace looked up in shock. "W-what else did she tell you?"
"You have severe Anxiety, but there's more to it than that isn't there?" Hannah said.
"What makes you say that?"
"I'm pretty fucked up too," Hannah said with a small laugh. "I know another fucked up person when I see one."
"I'm not...effed up," Grace said.
Hannah laughed. "Oh wow."
Grace sighed. "Maybe this is not a good idea."
When she tried to leave Hannah grabbed her shoulders and pressed her hard against a wall. Grace gasped and immediately felt panic.
"Shh," Hannah said softly caressing her cheek. "You said you were taking a risk, and I'm a believer of going right to it, like ripping off a Band-Aid."
"I don't like Band-Aids," Grace squeaked.
Hannah broke into laughter. "You are so cute." She backed away and said, "Just relax and stop trying to leave, you want to do this right?"
"Okay, then stop trying to leave and go sit down,"
Grace nodded and walked to the couch saying, "Yes ma'am."
Hannah laughed. "There's no need for that, we are equals here, the point of this is to bring out the inner Grace not to suppress her more."
Grace nodded. "Sorry."
"Don't apologize, you never have to apologize for anything," Hannah said moving to the sofa beside Grace. "I want you to feel safe, no guilt for anything."
Grace took a deep breath. "Okay."
"You ready to start?"
"I'm not sure," Grace said.
Hannah chuckled. "Don't worry I'm not gonna make you do anything you're not ready for, and you've got a lot of things to work out, like the fact that you can't say sex or fuck."
"They are just words," Grace said.
"Exactly so why can't you say them?"
Grace shook her head. "I don't know it's rude."
"You know what it is? You are Grace in every sense of the word; you are graceful in the way you move, you have a beauty that's so graceful, and you're politeness is so graceful. I mean if you told me you did ballet I wouldn't be surprised at all."
Grace blushed. "I do do ballet."
Hannah burst into laughter. "Good Lord. Well it's time for you to be a little graceless."
Grace nodded. "Sooo, how do I do that?"
"Okay, first off relax, you're sitting like you have a stick up your ass."
"I don't let anything even near my...buttocks."
"Ohhh em gee!" Hannah laughed. "Say ass."
"What? No!"
"Say it!"
"Say it or I'll pin you down again."
Grace looked nervous.
"I'm dead serious," Hannah warned.
Grace cleared her throat and said, "Aaaasss."
Hannah laughed. "How do you feel now?"
"Like sh...heck."
Hannah sighed and climbed on Grace who let out a squeak. Hannah straddled her hips and pinned her firmly against the couch. Grace's breath grew heavy but she wasn't sure if it was panic or arousal.
"Fuuucking say it."
Grace's breath hitched. "Shhhiiitt."
"Good, very good, don't be afraid," Hannah said seductively running her hands slowly up Grace's sides.
Grace shuddered and gripped her hands. "I-I c-can't."
"Shh, it's okay," Hannah said. She gently cupped Grace's chin. "Now say sex."
Grace's eyes filled with tears and shook her head.
"Hey," Hannah grabbed Grace's cheeks and made their eyes meet. "Why are you crying?"
"Cause I can't do this!"
Hannah gripped her cheeks tighter. "Yes you can, look at me." Their eyes locked. "You can do this, this is the risk, right here, right now."
Grace wiped away her tears and took a deep breath. "!"
Hannah cheered loudly. "Thatta girl!"
Grace let out a shaky sigh. "That was the hardest thing I've ever done in my life."
"No it's not," Hannah said, "because what you're gonna do next is kiss me."
Grace gulped. "No, no way," she cried trying to get out from under Hannah. Hannah, surprisingly strong for her small size, pushed Grace hard against the couch.
"Fine, you're not ready to initiate the kiss, and I doubt you ever have, so I'll initiate," Hannah said, "But I want you to stop thinking. Close your eyes, turn off your brain, and just feel."
"I don't know how to do that," Grace said.
Hannah snorted. "You can't think about not thinking."
"But I..."
"Stop thinking."
"No but..."
"Stop thinking," Hannah wrapped her hand around Grace's neck and leaned towards her.
"No I..."
"Stop thinking!" Hannah pressed her lips against Grace's and grinding her body down on her so she wouldn't be able to move. Hannah kept the kiss firm but soft giving Grace time to relax and feel the kiss.
Hannah kept the kiss slow until she felt Grace's body relax underneath her. The moment she felt that she increased the intensity of the kiss pressing her body more on Grace.
"Mm," Hannah moaned softly, "Touch me."
Grace let out a small moan as Hannah kissed her hard and moved Grace's hands to her sides. Hannah moaned when Grace gripped her sides and deepened the kiss with a long groan. Their tongues swirled around together and Grace ran her hands up Hannah's back.
The passion between them was boiling up fast and Hannah kept her passion small letting Grace lose control. Grace had never been kissed in that way before and was having feelings she never had before. Michael's kisses never got this passionate and never caused Grace to moan and lose control. Her hands roamed all over Hannah's back, scratching, trying to grab anything she could.
Grace broke the kiss with a gasp and panted hard, leaning her forehead against Hannah's shoulder. Hannah grinned and hugged her close rubbing her back to calm down her breathing.
Grace let out a shuddering sob and hugged Hannah's waist tightly. Hannah caressed her head gently and said, "Shh."
Grace's tears poured out in heaps and her sobs wracked her body so hard Hannah had to hold her even more tightly.
"What is causing you this pain?" Hannah said softly, "What is hurting you?"
3. Fall from Grace
"I used to live with my uncle for a while when my dad lost his job," Grace said snuggling close to Hannah's chest as they snuggled on the couch. "My mom had to go back to work and my dad was running around working odd jobs to try to find a new job. I had to take care of my five year old brother, get him to Kindergarten, pick him up after class, walk us home, get him food somehow, then wait for our parents to come home at like 10pm."
"How old were you?" Hannah asked.
"10? Christ when I was 10 I was flinging boogers at people."
Grace snorted. "Trust me I wanted to fling my boogers, but I couldn't. That's why my uncle offered to take us in while my parents settled their work schedules so we could have parents again. He was my mom's brother and basically used to come over all the time with his four kids who were like my brothers and sisters. Sal, the oldest, had down syndrome and he was the sweetest person in the world. Sam was the second oldest but he took the responsibilities of everything because Sal couldn't, so he would read everything and anything and just like...knew everything. Sandy was after him she was my same age and we were practically best friends. We used to coordinate which Barbies to get so that when we went to each other's houses we had like whole sets."
"Ew," Hannah muttered.
Grace chuckled. "Stop interrupting me."
"Sorry I just hate Barbies, keep going please."
"So the youngest was Sally and she was my brother's age," Grace continued. "She didn't like Tim though, she wanted to hang out with the big kids and we didn't really want her around cause she was loud and annoying and then Tim would start nagging us to tell her to play with him. We used to play together 4 to 5 times out of the week."
"Wow that's really close," Hannah said.
"Yes," Grace said. "I didn't feel like they were any different than Tim. So when we went to live with them Tim and I saw it as an extended slumber party and it was the greatest thing imaginable."
"I bet."
"I used to play with Sandy every single day but Sam was so cool and popular I wanted to be like him," Grace said. "I started hanging out with Sam all the time, I loved being one of the boys and he was always like my big brother protecting me from everything. I trusted him with my life, that's why I went to him when I first started wondering about s..." Grace took a deep breath then said, "It."
"Well that's natural," Hannah said, "I'm the oldest so all my younger siblings came to me for everything. I had no one to go to when I had problems that's why I went to Mamrie."
"Exactly," Grace said. "So I sat with Sam in the back room that no one ever went to because it was very creepy, and I asked him to explain it to me."
"Say it," Hannah said softly.
"S-sex," Grace said gulping audibly.
"So what did he do?" Hannah said feeling Grace falter from the story.
Grace started to fidget nervously. "He said that he would show me because it was too hard to explain."
"Oh," Hannah said softly, "I am so sorry."
Grace broke into tears and Hannah hugged her close. Grace couldn't control herself. Her body was wracking with hard sobs and the words spilled out of her before she could stop them. "He wouldn't let me go, he would pin me there with my face on the mattress so no one could hear my screams, and it hurt so much and I was crying and I told him to stop and he wouldn't stop, and there was blood, and it was all my fault, I could have stopped him, I should have told someone and it was my fault, all my..."
"Grace, Grace stop!" Hannah cried climbing on top of Grace and shaking her shoulders to stop the madness. "GRACE!"
Grace stopped speaking but the tears kept rolling down. Hannah gently wiped away the tears and said, "Listen to me Grace, look at me."
Grace locked eyes with her.
Hannah's blue eyes were brimmed with tears but she kept them in as she said, "It was not your fault. Do you hear me? It was not your fault. He is the one who did that to you, he was supposed to be like your brother, you trusted him and he broke that confidence. This is no one's fault but his, okay?"
"Then why do I feel so guilty?" Grace whimpered.
"Have you ever told anyone this but me?" Hannah said.
Grace shook her head.
"Why not?"
"I thought it better to stop talking to everyone, or...I couldn't talk to anyone, I couldn't even let anyone get close to me," Grace said.
Hannah gently caressed her cheek and said, "So what made you tell me? You just met me."
"I don't know," Grace said. "Maybe because I know you won't judge me. Because you've been nothing but nice and sweet to me. Because you are the only person I've ever in my life wanted to kiss."
Hannah smiled and sat up straight. "Then kiss me."
Grace hesitated as she sat up and looked Hannah right in the eyes. She glanced down at Hannah's lips then bit her own lip. Taking a deep breath she leaned forward and pressed her lips firmly against Hannah's.
Her hands instinctively gripping Hannah's thighs and she slowly ran them up to her sides. The kiss didn't get as crazy as the first one that Hannah had initiated, it stayed really slow and gentle. Hannah didn't touch Grace at all, she let the blonde control everything. Grace was the one who slipped her tongue into Hannah's mouth and swirled it around hers. She was the one who ran her hands up the smaller woman's back and slip her fingers into her brown locks. Her hair was so soft and silky between her fingers, and her body felt so perfect perched on top of hers. Grace felt safe encased by Hannah's thighs next to her hips, and her warm body astride her lap.
Her soft lips were so intoxicating and not rough like Michael who was always so rough and intrusive even when he was trying to be gentle. Grace broke the kiss with a gasp having run out of air. She kept her brown eyes closed not wanting to open them and find herself in her bed because the whole thing was a dream.
"Mamrie said you've never had a fantasy?" Hannah said softly.
Grace gulped and nodded her head. "I don't know how to have a fantasy." She opened her eyes slowly but lowered them right away in shame.
"That's okay," Hannah said tilting her chin up. "That's nothing to be ashamed of. You've shied away from sex because of your cousin. I'm assuming that means you've never watched porn, and if you ever had sexual thoughts you suppress them because you don't know how to process them."
Grace looked surprised. "Do you have a degree in psychology too?"
Hannah snorted. "No. But I've been to a lot of therapy and group sessions. Plus Mamrie is my best friend. You just learn things."
"I think you understand me more than even I do," Grace said.
Hannah laughed. "Yeah sometimes other people can see in you what you can't."
"What do you see in me?"
"A beautiful soul," Hannah said.
Grace snorted and started singing, "I don't want another pretty face, I don't want just anyone to hold, I don't want my love to go to waste, I want..."
Hannah laughed. "I always quote songs by accident. Mamrie catches me on it all the time."
Grace chuckled.
"I like it when you're playful," Hannah commented.
Grace shrugged shyly. "I don't know, I just feel comfortable around you."
"Well I want to help you be able to fantasize, because sometimes that's the only way to let out pent up frustrations," Hannah said.
"Okay," Grace said nodding.
"Alright, so first off we have to broaden your horizons," Hannah said. "Have you ever travelled? You know like to a tropical place, or a good sight-seeing place?"
"I've been to the Grand Canyon."
"That's it?"
"I visited my friend in New York once, but I stayed in her apartment the whole time."
"Oh Grace, how can you imagine what you've never seen?" Hannah said. "First off we have to plan some trips. Mamrie travels all the time for her work and she has like 5 million miles. You have to go out there and see. You have to explore the world."
"By myself?" Grace said fearfully. She shook her head vehemently.
"You want me to go with you?" Hannah said.
Grace nodded.
Hannah smiled. "Okay, we'll plan."
"Where will we go?"
"Mamrie's ex-husband owns a private island resort that Mamrie won in the divorce," Hannah said. "She'll take care of us."
"You've known Mamrie for a long time haven't you? I can tell you're really good friends."
Hannah nodded. "Yeah. But this isn't about me."
"I want to know you too," Grace said.
"Know yourself first. Let's do something crazy Grace, right now."
Grace gulped. "W-what?"
"A change," Hannah said. "I bet you've never had any drastic makeovers or anything."
Grace shook her head.
"Okay this is what we're gonna do," Hannah said standing up. "I'm gonna have you lay in the bedroom and just watch some porn that is stored here."
Grace looked stunned. "P-pornography?"
"It's just on the T.V Grace," Hannah said with laugh. "I just want you to lay there and watch. Try to imagine what you see on the screen happening to you. And I'm the one doing to you."
"What will you do?" Grace asked.
"I'm gonna run to store and get some stuff for your little makeover, when I'm back you'll tell me about what you saw."
"Tell you?"
Hannah smirked. "Oh yeah."
Grace gulped as the blonde woman on the screen lay back on the bed slowly, pushed by the brunette woman wearing the bright orange underwear. Their breasts mashed together when the brunette got on top and kissed the other one passionately.
Grace tore her eyes from the screen and looked around the dim bedroom. The sheets of the bed she was on were dark burgundy and made of satin. The black shaggy carpeted floor surrounded the bed and led into a walk in closet that only had a few lingerie outfits, two white silk robes, and a large chest where Hannah had taken out the porn DVD.
"Uhh." The low moan from the screen pulled Grace's attention back to the movie. The brunette woman was on her back somehow and the blonde woman was in between her legs licking at her apex.
Grace felt a heat that ran up her legs and centered around her crotch. Her stomach felt like it had hundreds of butterflies and she was started to sweat and squirm.
"Mm yes, baby right there," the brunette woman moaned.
"I just want you to lay there and watch. Try to imagine what you see on the screen happening to you. And I'm the one doing to you."
Hannah's words were ringing in her head as she looked back to the screen and tried to put them in the situation of the two girls on the screen. She made herself the blonde woman and Hannah the brunette. She looked back up to the screen and saw the brunette woman slowly easing two fingers into the blonde was hissing softly and gripping the white sheets.
Grace focused. She felt a jolt that ran down her spine and her center was throbbing hard. She saw herself lying flat on her back arching up as Hannah's fingers slid smoothly into her. She imagined the cute little smile she had as she let out a soft moan of excitement. Hannah pumped her fingers in and out at a slow pace. She kept her blue eyes firmly locked onto hers as she leaned down and slowly licked her clit.
Grace bit her lip to suppress a low moan that rumbled from her throat. She felt a pressure building up inside of her she wanted to explode. Her back started arching up and her legs started to shake.
Her eyes fluttered shut and she gripped the sheets. She heard the sloshing sound of Hannah's fingers pushing in and out of her at an increasing pace. The sound was loud and the moaning was almost screaming. She heard Hannah's voice in her ear whispering softly, "Cum for me Grace. Cum for me."
Grace let out a shuddering cry clenching her eyes shut even tighter. Her body started shaking and she felt something within her explode. Tingling sensations crawled through her entire body and her center was throbbing and pulsing. She couldn't control how her hips thrust up into the air and how her back arched and how her body twisted from side to side.
Grace felt a weight on her hips and gentle touches on her head. The spasms stopped and she collapsed on the bed with a heavy breath. Her body felt like it was on fire and there was a thudding sound in her ears. She was hyperaware of the gentle caress on her head and she slowly opened her eyes.
Hannah was there, straddling her hips looking down at her with a look Grace had never seen before. She was breathing heavily and her blue eyes had turned so dark they looked almost royal blue.
Grace blinked a few times and realized that the whole thing had been a fantasy. The Porn was still playing behind Hannah. The whole thing had felt so real and she heard Hannah's voice in her ear, though now that Hannah was actually there she wasn't sure if that part at least was real or not.
Grace suddenly felt open and exposed. Her face flushed bright red and she tried to cower away from Hannah and that dark look on her face that she didn't understand.
Hannah held her still and leaned down fast, crashing their lips together. Grace responded to the kiss instantly, gripping the back of Hannah's neck as the blonde woman kissed her with a fervor she hadn't before. The surge of passion that shot through her body was even stronger than what she felt in that fantasy. Hannah seemed to be unraveling on top of her and to Grace's surprised she wasn't scared about it.
She was even more surprised though, when Hannah suddenly broke the kiss and sat up straight. She shut her eyes and took two deep breaths. She stayed still for a moment in complete silence then opened her eyes to look at Grace.
Grace was about to question her when Hannah smiled and said, "Like I said before, this isn't about me."
AN: So...did I scare you?
[[Part 2]]

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