Chapter Fifty-Seven

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*25 weeks pregnant*

"Darling, we have to stay for Thanksgiving. I told mom we would. She's expecting us." I tell Niall.

"Yeah, and then it's gonna turn into Christmas and New Year's, and then god knows, Valentine's Day too!" Niall shouts at me.

"No it won't!" I yell back.

"Yes it most certainly will! Why can't we go visit me mum?!? Oh, because you don't want to or you are too tired!" He says in a snobby tone.

"Oh but I have to go off with my band and perform this and that when you're leaving your family behind!" I scream at him. I begin to walk away, pulling on a coat, this shouting is making me cold.

"El is not my daughter!" He hollers at me.

"No but the son I'm carrying is! Piss off Niall!" I scream and end up throwing a plate on to the ground. It lands with a shattering bang and into a million pieces.

"A son?" Niall whimpers, and tries to turn me around but I shrug him off.

"Don't touch me, Horan." I snap, going out the door with my keys. Niall runs to catch up with me.

"Wait! Where are you going?" He asks.

"Away from you." I mumble, backing up and leaving him stranded with El and no car.


I knock on the hotel door. It swings open momentarily. Liam is the one who greets me. Once he sees my tear-stricken face, he lets me in. I go to Zayn who is awake and curl into him the best I could, considering I'm twenty-five weeks pregnant.

"What's wrong?" I hear Lou ask. He was watching me the moment I walked into the room.

"Niall and I got into it." I say, a tear leaking out of my eye.

"About what, honey?" Zayn asks, playing with my hair.

"Staying for Thanksgiving." I say.

"Oh." Zayn says.

"Is there something wrong? With him? Does he not love me anymore? All he does is stay out late and argues, sleeps all day and I'm left with El and no one to talk to..." I say, and break out into more tears.

"Shhhh, it's okay."

"He goes out late? What do you mean?" Liam asks.

"He goes out around nine at night and sometimes doesn't come back until four." I whimper.

"I'll go call Niall and see if he's okay. Don't say anything, Kay. I'll just tell him I called to see what's up and.. Yeah." Harry says, pulling out his phone.

"Niall? Hey... What's wrong?" Harry says.

"You and Kayleigh fought? About what?"

"Oh. What do you feel about it?"

"No, I haven't seen her. But... how often have you two been fighting?"

"That's not good. Why?"

"Oh. But why are you out until that late?"

"That's sensible. Now. You need to fix this. Niall James Horan, stop your goddamn bloody blubbering this instant and listen to me." Harry demands.

"Fix it. As soon as she walks back in that door." He says, and hangs up on my husband.


I get on my way home and walk into the door.

"Babe?" I hear Niall sob.

"Niall? Is that you?" I holler. He runs over to my side and pulls me into a huge hug.

"I'm so sorry. What we can do is purchase tickets for the Shadwicks' and Glenn and Sean to come with us to Ireland for Christmas." He says, and I nod.

"No more fighting, okay? I love you." I tell him.

"And the reasons why I would always be out late at night? I'll show you." He says, and helps me up. He opens our door to see a royal blue nursery.

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