⚡ Chapter 1 ⚡

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Hello! My name is y/n l/n and I have been dating Denki Kaminari for 5 years. Let's get into this story!

"Hey beautiful sunshine nugget!" Kaminari says

"Hey Kami!" I say

"I told you that you don't need to call me that." Kaminari says

"Okay love~" I say

He kisses me and tugs on my lip for access, he's done that ever since he first kissed me. I think it's cute. I allow him and he explores my mouth with his tongue.

"No need to remind me that my boyfriend got suspended." Mina says

We stop kissing and we turn to Mina.

"My bro got suspended?!" Kaminari asks

"Yeah, got caught selling pot by Mr.Aizawa." Mina says

"Oh, well when will he be back?" Kaminari asks

"In a month." Mina says

"A month?! Y/n got caught smoking pot and they only got suspended for 2 weeks and 3 days." Kaminari says

"Well doing pot and selling pot is too different things." Mina says

"Yeah, yeah, shut up." I say

I turn Kaminari around and I kiss him. At first he tries pulling away but then he melts into the kiss. Mina walks away and Bakugo comes.

"OI, DUNCE FACE!" Bakugo yells

We stop kissing and Kaminari turns to Bakugo.

"What?" Kaminari asks

"WHERE'S SHITTY HAIR?" Bakugo asks

"First, stop yelling at him and second, he doesn't know." I say

"I DIDN'T ASK YOU, EXTRA!" Bakugo asks

"Stop fucking yelling!" I say

"NO YOU EXTRA!" Bakugo yells

"Bakubabe!" Kirishima says hugging him.

"More like Bakubitch." I say

"DO YOU WANT TO DIE?!" Bakugo asks

"Or Bakuhoe." Todoroki says

I turn around.

"Hey Todoroki!" I say

"Hey y/n!" Todoroki says

"DO YOU BOTH WANT TO DIE?!" Bakugo asks

"Kiri, calm your boyfriend down." I say

"Say, do you know where Midoriya is?" Todoroki asks

Midoriya pops up behind Todoroki.

"I'm right here, baby." Midoriya whispers

"Oh, hey!" Todoroki says turning around and kissing him.

Midoriya is surprised that he kissed him.

"Oh right sorry, I forgot we never kissed before." Todoroki says

He stands there for a little bit, shooketh.

"Midoriya?" Todoroki asks

Midoriya kisses him and Todoroki was surprised this time. He stops kissing him.

"Sorry, your lips are so soft..." Midoriya says

"It's fine." Todoroki says

Todoroki tries not to smile.

"Are you wearing chapstick?" Todoroki asks

"Yeah, y/n helped me pick some out." Midoriya says

Todoroki licks his lips.

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