⚡ Chapter 4 ⚡

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"I'll go get recovery girl." Aizawa says

"I'm fine." I say

I take Kaminari's shirt off my leg and there wasn't anything there.

"But- what- you were." Aizawa says

"I heal quickly." I say

"I don't get paid enough for this." Aizawa says

Kaminari backs away and I get up. I walk back over to E/n and I pick them up by there shirt.

"Where's my aunt?" I ask

"Why would I tell you?" E/n asks

"Tell me you son of a bitch." I say

"Heh, make me." E/n says

"Leave Y/n alone, E/n. Y/n let go of E/n." A/n says

"Why should I listen to you?" I ask turning my head.

"Because I can still kill you, that's what I've been after all along." A/n says

Kaminari gets behind her and grabs her. He points a knife to her neck.

"You can't if you're dead." Kaminari says

"I'm not stupid." A/n says

Before she could do anything I opened a portal underneath him and he came from the ceiling. I let E/n go and caught Kaminari.

"You can't do that." I say

"Watch me." Kaminari says

He starts walking back to A/n but I grab his wrist and I turn him around. I give him a kiss.

"This is my fight, not yours. I'll be fine." I say

"I don't believe you." Kaminari says

"I love you." I say

"I love you too." Kaminari says

"And I'm sorry but I can't let you get hurt." I say

"What do you mean?" Kaminari asks

I open a portal behind him and I push him into it. I close it right as he disappears.

"What do you want from me? For me to be dead? I can do that myself." I say

"But you won't." A/n says

"Wanna bet?" I ask pointing the knife towards me.

"You wouldn't." A/n says

"I would." I say

"Don't." A/n says

"Why not? You said you wanted me dead, unless you need something from me first." I say

"No I don't." A/n says

"Then you won't mind if I do this?" I ask

I stab myself and I take the knife out. I wince but then I fall to the ground.

"God damn it." A/n says

"Y/n?" Kaminari asks

I start coughing up blood.

"Y/n..." Kaminari says

"K-kami..." I say

He runs to me and helps me sit up a bit.

"Your mom's not dead." A/n says

"A/n! Shut the fuck up!" E/n says

"You shut up E/n and A/n what are you talking about." I ask

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