⚡ Chapter 5 ⚡

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He walks away and Kaminari walks back over. He sat back down next to me and I put my arms around him kind of hugging him but I didn't get up or anything. He put his arm back around me and I scoot closer to him with barely any room in between us.

"Baby. Baby. Baby. Baby. Baby. Baby. Baby. Baby." I say poking Kaminari's cheek.

"Yes?" Kaminari asks

"I love you." I say

"I love you too." Kaminari says

S/n and Midoriya leave. I hug Kaminari tightly, I let go of him and I lay on his chest then we fall asleep.

~A few hours later~

I wake up then I get up. Kami was still asleep. I slowly get off my bed. Kami moves a bit and I turn to him. He was waking up. I brush my hair down a bit and leave. A few minutes after I left Kami came out and went to Jiro's room.

~With Kaminari~

"You ready?" Jiro asks

"Yes." Kaminari says

"Are you confident?" Jiro asks

"No but what does that have to do with anything?" Kaminari asks

"You have to be confident in yourself and confident she'll like it." Jiro says

"I'm not confident in myself or confident she'll like it." Kaminari says

"Then why are you doing this right now?" Jiro asks

"Because I'm ready." Kaminari says

"But how are you ready?" Jiro asks

"Because I'm confident in myself." Kaminari says

"Good." Jiro says

"Wait what?" Kaminari asks

"You were confident in yourself but you were scared about it so I tricked you into saying you were confident because you always are when it comes to Y/n." Jiro says

"No I'm not." Kaminari says

"Dude, yes you are." Sero says

"Nope." Kaminari says

"You were confident that she would want to marry you someday." Kirishima says

"She said no." Kaminari says

"But she didn't mean it." Kirishima says

"I'm surprised he isn't blushing right now." Jiro says

"Oh he is, hardcore blushing." Mina says

"Shut up!" Kaminari says

He hides his face and Jiro pokes him.

"Poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke." Jiro says while poking him.

"Stop." Kaminari says

"Why?" Jiro asks still poking him.

"Because it's annoying." Kaminari says

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