New Transfer Student

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It was a day like any other, Inaba had it's usual quietness to it.

But soon, that silence would be broken.

"Yasoinaba. Yasoinaba." The voice on the train repeated the word to me. This place... I wonder what new adventures await me here.

I slowly stepped off the train, though what to expect, I did not know.

"Hey!" An orange-haired boy, with a little too much energy, waved to me.

"..." I wasn't one to talk all that much, so I simply raised my hand in a greeting to him.

"Yo, I'm Yosuke Hanamura. Welcome to Inaba! How bout' I show ya' around, Partner?"

Partner...? "Sure. Oh, I'm Yu Narukami, by the way." I replied. And I knew... that it was gonna be a wild ride from here.

"Alright, so, this is the school. Yasoinaba High." Yosuke promptly showed me the high school, that i would be attending.

"If you wanted me to, maybe I could show you the inside, too?" Yosuke suggested.

And then the dirty thoughts rushed in- 'I wouldn't mind being inside of something else-' I caught myself thinking- but then I stopped, because this is a PG-13 story 👁👁.

My face flushed pink for a slight moment, with Yosuke looking extremely confused as to why- "Uh- Partner? You ok?" Yosuke asked, waving his hand in front of my face.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Fine." I swiftly replied, coughing. "Anyways, how about you show me around the school?" I suggested once more.

"Er- yeah. I can also show you a few cool people to talk to, so... let's get goin', partner!" Yosuke states, grabbing my hand.

Whether that was intentional or not, I couldn't tell, but... I didn't mind all that much.

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