The Investigation Team

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As soon as Yosuke stopped showing me around the school, the bell rang. "Oh- we better get going, Partner!" He quickly rushed me to class, but we were greeted by... King Moron himself.

"You're late! On the first day, too! You're on my shit-list right away, Narukami! Now take a chastity belt n' siddown!" Ouch. That was rude-

"Yes sir." I simply replied, taking a seat next to some girl. "Hey, Narukami... don't worry about him, we call him King Moron. Wanna take a guess why?" She joked, putting a slight smirk on my face. I never even got to introduce myself... oh well.

"Shuddup over there!" He yelled at us, so we, well, shut up, and listened to the rest of what he had to say.

Then, when class ended, that same girl along with another in a red-ish outfit came up to me. "Hey there new kid. I'm Chie Satonaka, this is Yukiko Amagi. Say hi, Yukiko!" Chie nudged her.

"Greetings." Yukiko extended a formal greeting.

"Hey there. I'm Yu Narukami." I replied, nodding. That was when Yosuke barged in-

"Yo, Partner! I see you've already introduced yourself to the others, huh? That's great!" Yosuke enthusiastically states.

"Huh? Partner? You know each other, Narukami?" Chie asked me, glancing in between Yosuke and me. "And what's up with the whole "Partner" thing?" So many questions...

"Well, yeah. We met this morning." I replied.

"And, I dunno bout' the Partner thing. Guess it just kinda... fits him, y'know?" Yosuke explains.

"...Yeah- anyways, we should get going. See ya' round, you two!" Chie states, pulling Yukiko out of the room, along with herself.

"So, anyways Partner wanna go hang out or somethin'?" Yosuke asked, putting a hand on his neck, and leaning against a desk.

"Of course, I would love to go out with you." I replied, though, not exactly catching what I was saying.

Yosuke blushed slightly. "Eh- not like that, you idiot!" He sputtered out, before coughing himself back to normal.

"A-anyways, let's get going." Yosuke states, beginning to walk out.

This is gonna be a good time.

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