
677 22 15

word count: 858 words

ambient; adjective
am·​bi·​ent | \ ˈam-bē-ənt \

1a: as in encompassing

2b: the circumstances, conditions, or objects by which one is surrounded
(takes place in the same time zone as the last chapter)
Sirius wasn't paying much attention to Professor Mcgonagall's discussion. He was just staring at an unrelated page of his ''Guide to Transfiguration'' book.

Sirius took his quill and half a piece of parchment and began to write.

"Hey moony," he wrote down as he began to jolt his brain. How do you ask your best friend, the love of your life, the most precious being in the entire universe out, on the day of valentines without making it sound awkward?

"I was wondering if"  he continued. No wait, he had to make sure he was available first. "-youʼre free on February 14."  Yes, I think it sounds casual enough. "No, itʼs not my usual foolery." he added "Yes, iʼm fully aware of the full moon."

He scribbled down a few more words to make sure Remus replies, knowing how the stubborn werewolf usually doesnʼt give very approving answers most of the time. He ended the letter with his name written after an asterisk.

Sirius crumpled the parchment slightly and glanced around to check if Mcgonagall was looking. She was not. He threw the paper gently at Remus' direction, hitting the back of the boy's head.

It slowly fell down to his ankle, Remus picked it up and began to read. Sirius saw an expression of slight surprise on the boy's face as he reread the letter multiple times.

The boy, Remus placed the letter in his back pocket. Sirius dreaded that he wouldn't get a reply back.

The lesson ended and Remus still hadnʼt passed his reply. Sirius stood up at once as they were dismissed and left for the boys dormitory and almost immediately took a cream-colored sweater he took from Remus about a week ago.

Sirius snuggled up close to the sweater. Remus' sweater. It served as a strong feeling of warmth and comfort. The feeling of safety and protection. It was Sirius' reminder that even in the darkest times, everything will go right at the end of it all. It will always get better eventually.

These thoughts swiveled around Sirius' head like a reminder. He fell into a deep and dreamless sleep. A peaceful vibration bouncing in the bubbles of pure comfort.

Sirius woke up a few hours later. Peter seemed to be drawing James as the dramatic raven-haired boy stroked an over-exaggerated pose.

Remus had Hogwarts: A History raised up on his face, his nose almost touching the page. He was wearing a yellow cardigan, lying down on the four-poster bed.

None of them had yet noticed the boy who's felt as cold as ice. He clutched closer to the sweater only to find out that the sweater he took was taken from him. The freezing boy looked around him. It was beside Remus. Of course, he would've taken his own sweater back. He searched the bed for something to use for coverage or warmth.

Sirius felt exposed to the cold, it felt like an unfair aura of a barren landscape of sorrow. The winds that take away everything that brings comfort and safety away from his grip. Farther and farther the winds take everything that makes him grin. He feels around the bed once more to hide himself to the cruel cold winds. Sirius hated about this kind of cold. Like the cold that makes you shiver your souls out of your body. The cold that makes you feel like you're in one of those muggle horror movies. Those terribly horrifying thriller ones. No, i'm not scared! Its just terribly jumpy and stuff. Not a good fit for my taste. 

 Sirius was always over-dramatic in little things. He exaggerates his thoughts into a whole poetic work. It was a strange practice that he does. Sirius makes little things into something highly important just by describing the indescribable. 

He noticed there was a note clutched it his hand. He felt so numb with cold he didn't even notice his own hand's gripping on a letter. He opened the neat folds slowly. It was Moony's reply. His heart skipped a beat and fluttered with joy. Not very punk rock of him.

Hi Siri, Yes i'm free on Valentines. That's good, I was afraid you would make me join in one of your pranks. That's good to know, although it's expected from you. You always know when it is my "man period" as James says. Sure, I'll join in whatever you're going to do. -Moony :)

His heart was jumping in his chest. First of all, Siri. Remus called him Siri. He was internally squealing. Remus told him he was always on point when it came to the day of a full moon. What a pull on the leg. HE AGREED. MOONY AGREED. DOES THAT MEAN- This is amazing. Oh wait, a HAPPY FACE?! Im gonna fly to the moon! Oh wait, squealing isn't very punk rock of me. Eh, who cares. I'm gonna squeal anyways and no one's gonna stop me. 

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