A familiar face(Chapter 2)

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             I wake up and slowly look around, I get up slowly and get dressed. I go to the bathroom and take an Advil after I realize I have a splitting headache. After I begin to feel better and regain the ability to think  again, I remember the strange voice I heard and that I didn't make it to my bed last night. "Wait so........what happened last night? hmmmmm, probably just a stress induced dream and memory loss." I think to myself. I look at the clock, which read 6:48, meaning I need to hit the road if I want to get to work on time. I grab my keys off the counter and head out, locking the door on the way. I get in my car and drive to Starbucks, I order a hot chocolate and a cake pop. I get to the window and pay, then drive to my office building. 

~Time Skip~ 

       I'm about halfway through the day when Dr. Whiting comes in. "Hey you have a walk in, is that ok?" she asks with a nervous smile plastered on her face. "Of course! Why wouldn't it be? Whatever, go ahead and send them in!" I say with a positive tone, still a little sugar high.  She walks away, closing the door as she leaves. Just a moment afterwards, I hear a small knock on my door. "Come in!" I slightly shout. The door opens and I turn to face the person coming in. "Hello! How are you.....t-today......." I stutter out the last bit after recognizing the man who just came in.  "H-Hi! I'm alright, are you?" I hear him say in his slight Irish accent. I look down embarrassed for a split-second, quickly gaining my composure. "Ummm yeah. I'm just a fan and I wasn't ever expecting to meet THE Jacksepticeye, especially like this, hehe" I say and laugh nervously at the end. "Oh! Well it's always nice to meet a fan, and I guess this is a weird way to meet." Jack says with a nervous smile. He sits down and we start to talk for a minute, about random stuff. I still need to do my job so I decide to ask him why he is here. He stops, looks down, and sighs. "Well that's the problem, I don't want to sound crazy. Here goes anyway, I'm sure you've seen the 'SAY GOODBYE' video" he pauses and waits for me to nod my head, agreeing that I had seen it. "Ok, good.... well he...he's real. That video wasn't planned to go like that, I was gonna carve a pumpkin for fun, nothing more. But Anti, he decided to ruin it and say hi to the fans, he even posted it without my permission!" He said, the last part full of resentment. At first I didn't say anything out of pure shock, so Jack decided to go on. "He has been pestering me for so long, but I never thought he would do anything like that. He has progressively gotten more power from the fans obsessing over him, and now he is more dangerous too. The only reason I'm even here is because I'm afraid he will destroy my sanity or worse......" He trailed of at the end of his last sentence. I stop and think for a moment, trying to process everything I just heard. "Ok I don't think your crazy Jack,  as insane as it sounds....I believe you. Let's talk about this some more, and how about you continue to come see me and tell me what's going on. I'll try my best to help in anyway I can." I say the last bit with complete sincerity. 

~Time-Skip (again)~

       I lay in bed wide awake, thinking about the day. Mostly about Jack and what he said about Anti. I feel bad, 'cause I know that I was one of those fans who went crazy after the video with Anti in it. I sigh and look at my phone, 2:27, wow I need to go to bed. I put my phone down and fall asleep after what seemed like an eternity.

A/N: Hey!!! Sorry for the delay, but I hope you guys like this new chapter!!! Tell me if there are any issues, or just any feedback in general, in the comments. Have a great day!!!

(p.s. for Abby, I don't have my phone so tell me what you think in the comments)

(743 words in this chapter!!!! HOW!!!!!)

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