Chapter Four

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A/n: sorry, I know that the AOS connection/timeline is dubious at best, I had to switch a few things for it to work the way I want it to lol

You wake up with a groan. You've been with the Avengers a couple of months now and still aren't used to how early you have to get up. At least at S.H.I.E.L.D. you have days when you can sleep in. Here, Steve's regimen doesn't allow it.

In fact, his 'regimen' includes incentives to wake up involving buckets of cold water. The incentive being, you don't get doused with almost-ice.

So, you stumble out of bed and get dressed in a sports bra and athletic leggings, grabbing your water and heading to the gym to start training.

Steve is already there, as is Nat. Bruce never has to train (lucky) and Tony occasionally does, but usually opts against it. When there, Thor will do the same, but he's currently on Asgard. Clint is... probably still taking his sweet time.

Steve looks over as you enter the room, moving next to him and beginning to work on knocking the punching bag down. It is an accomplishment you achieve about as much as Steve, going through a couple in a session. (thank god for your powers)

"Hey, we'll have to cut this short once Clint gets up and everyone gathers in the briefing room--we've got a mission," the team leader informs you. You nod in acknowledgment, even more jealous of Clint--he gets to miss training.

You continue until you knock the bag off its hinges, replacing it but moving to spar with Nat. You do so for over an hour, working up a sweat as you fight without your powers. You use them at other times, but others could always have something blocking them--plus, you had gotten quite a lot of powerless combat training during your days at S.H.I.E.L.D. Technically, you are still an agent, you just have been assigned a different team of fellow agents (Clint and Nat) and non-agents (...everyone else).

Finally, Clint gets there, and once he walks in, Steve yells, "Okay, Nat and Y/n, time to go."

You mentally groan but grab a towel, wiping your face, and leaving your hair up in a ponytail, head up the stairs with Nat. You mutter curses all the way up about a certain Mr. America and how much you are going to kick his star-spangled ass once you can because he didn't give you a chance to shower. You check the time as you file into the meeting room. 05:30. Fuck Steve and his fucking 4 AM wake-up time. Who the hell gets up that early? Other than Steve, obviously.

You sit, hot and sweaty, beside your enviously not-sweaty fiancé at the back. Nat takes the other seat beside him, sandwiched between Clint and Steve.

Once you catch her attention, you wink and mouth obviously, go get 'im, tiger. Your best friend rolls her eyes but can't help a small smile from forming as she glances at an oblivious Steve to her left.

Steve sits while he waits on Tony and Bruce to come in, which they do pretty quickly, Bruce still rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He had obviously been sleeping when he got the news from J.A.R.V.I.S. that there was a meeting and had hurriedly awoken and gotten dressed.

Tony was already awake—that, or he had never gone to sleep. The latter was far more likely.

He walked in after Bruce with a bag of blueberries.

"Tony, you can't keep doing this. We have jobs to do, and when you're showing up late every time we can't do them well."

"You're forgetting, Capsicle, I do have a job. A job that just so happens to be what allows you to live here. So I expect some gratitude, and pretty quick." He finger-guns Steve before turning to you, holding out the bag. "Blueberry?" He offers.

You take a handful, giving him a nod of thanks before shifting your attention back to an unamused Steve.

"Look, Stark, we're going to talk later—this is too urgent for us to hash out your tardiness and uncooperativeness right now."

The team leader shows a presentation. "We have found a new H.Y.D.R.A. facility base, the mission is to infiltrate and subsequently overthrow it. Y/n will be the mole, as the rest of us will be too recognizable."

"Wait—she'll be on the inside, with no allies there?" Clint scoffs dubiously. "Yeah, no. Not happening, Cap. At least if someone else is there, there's a warning if one of the two is discovered."

Steve turns to him impatiently. "You think I don't know that? If I could, I would have someone there, but there's no way to do that."

"Actually-" you glance at Nat, who seems to understand what you're about to say, and she nods encouragingly. "I might know someone."

Steve appraises you with raised eyebrows. "Who?"

You fidget uncomfortably. "Her name's Skye. She's an inhuman, she quakes things."

Nat furrows her brow, shaking her head almost imperceptibly. "No. I thought you were going to say May or something, but Skye? That's too much of a risk. Both of you will get hurt—her more so than you."

You turn to her with a huff. "And May won't? They're both equally capable—or almost so—in hand-to-hand combat, she just has the additional protection of being able to cause earthquakes. I don't see the problem here, Nat."

"The problem is, she's barely started being able to control that power. So yeah, no. I'm calling May."

"Why not call Coulson, then? Or Bobbi, or Hill, or anyone else as capable?" It was more to argue back than it was because you had a problem with May (you don't) but nevertheless served to rule Nat up further.

"Because, there isn't anyone else as capable!" Nat slams her hand on the desk before closing her eyes and drawing in a deep breath. The rest of the team waits silently, confused. Nat eventually opens her eyes. "Actually, Morse might be our best bet. She's already infiltrated H.Y.D.R.A. before, I'll ask Coulson."

Bruce looks between the two of you, confused. "He's alive?"

"Yeah, poor guy. Revived, but had his memories changed and didn't come out the same. He... well, I'll not go into detail. Anyways, so should I text Bobbi?"

"Do you trust her?" Steve asks.

You snort. "With my life," you answer without hesitation. Steve nods carefully, still suspicious—but she's a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, how bad could she be?

So, you do it. You call Bobbi and get her over to the tower, and the seven of you hash out the plan.

Eventually, you and Bobbi have successfully joined Hydra, you being taken to the base. Bobbi is basically your contact, as she is trusted and far more... free. You, on the other hand, are seen as an assassin, a weapon—and as such, are currently in training to become so.

You have had a few close calls since then with getting caught and outed as the mole, but it's all gone well. Finally, you've gotten all the necessary information like security and floor plans and plans for the future, transmitted it to Steve and the team via Morse, and it's the day that the others are joining you and all of you will destroy the base.

You meet up with Steve and Nat as you let them in, taking out guard after guard until you get to the control room. You and Nat hack in while Steve stands guard, while Bruce is back in the tower doing ground control. You three and Bobbi quickly are able to take out some guards—with the occasionally assist from Tony and Clint on the quintet—as you sneak out. You are pulled into the quintet just in time for the base to blow, killing everyone in it. Tony has a scan done to make sure, and J.A.R.V.I.S. confirms it. With that, the six of you head back to S.H.I.E.L.D. HQ.

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