Part 6 "The Party"

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Alyssa (you)~ WOW I look ravashing I can't wait for this party

*incoming call from Brianna*

Alyssa (you)~*picks up phone* heyyyy-

Brianna~BEEP BEEP BITCH!! I'm outside the dorm COME ON

Alyssa (you)~ OK OK

*hangs up call*

Alyssa's POV:
I rush down stairs to walk outside the dormitory and see Brianna outside with a white Nissan car, I hop in and Brianna turns on the radio and starts blasting music screeching so loud that people in China could hear her "I CAME IN LIKE A WRECKING BALLLLLLLL" to me she sounded like just a wreck but she was having fun so I didn't care. For some reason the party was 25 minutes away but I didn't really mind I just thought the party was being thrown near the school.


Alyssa (you)~ *walks in* are they playing bad and bougie...?

Brianna~um? Yes lol

Alyssa (you)~ alright can we stick together because I don't want anything to h-

Brianna~*runs off* SEE YA IN A BIT HOMIE

Alyssa's POV:
This bitch just ran away from me?!?? Ugh great. I floated around the party for about a hour and just got some drinks for myself and tried to avoid creepy guys, I was honestly gonna leave after a hour and a half but then I saw the corner....the that Brandon? I thought he wasn't coming tonight? Well he was all alone in the corner just with a drink in his hand so I figured it was a great time to go talk to him?

Alyssa (you):hey...Brandon

Brandon~*startled*OH hey....

Alyssa (you)~oh I thought you weren't coming, what changed hm?(you say in a sarcastic tone)

Brandon~well I changed my mind, besides it's so boring staying home all the time I figured I would try to get out and make some "friends"

Alyssa (you)~ why do you say "friends" like that?

Brandon~idk man college guys are weird like look over there at Derek T. He is shooting you flirty looks right now

Alyssa (you)~oh Derek Is my friend don't worry your f- friend

Alyssa (you)~ um ya why

Brandon~*coughs* whore

Alyssa (you)~I- excuse me

Alyssa's POV:
Wtf...did Brandon just call me a whore? Also what's wrong with Derek he was always nice to me and besides what does Brandon even know about him? Brandon hardly talked to kids in highschool and now thinks he knows everything about them?! Ya right. What's wrong with me though...why did I like it when he called me a whore, I don't think that's suppose to be a good thing but it's giving me am I throbbing right now?! What the hell!! Holy shit I am smerking right now STOP DOING THAT MOUTH HE JUST INSULTED YOU UGH WHY AM I LIKE THIS

Brandon~mmmm why are you smiling?

Alyssa (you)~uh I don't know why are you smiling?!

Brandon~because it's smiled when I called you a whore

Alyssa (you)~OH SHUT UP, anyways look what's up with you and Derek?

Brandon~ look...all I am saying is don't be alone with him or any of his friends they are just- look I have walked in on things ok?

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