HP ~ Ollivander's wand box

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Stuff you'll need:
- Black paint
- brown paint (optional)
- paintbrushes
- gold and black Sharpies (or any other permanent marker brand)
- Rainbow Loom box (or any other rectangular box)
- Ollivander's labels (these are not mine, I found them on an Instructables page - http://www.instructables.com/id/Ollivanders-Wand-Box-with-free-templates/)
- PVA glue
- water

Let's get started!

1. Paint everything except inside of the box black.

2. Paint the inside of the box either brown or black. Dry.

3. Take your gold sharpie and draw wood patterns on the outside of the box. Use your black sharpie to cover up any places the paint missed.

4. Cut out your labels and stick them on the front and sides of the box p, as shown in the picture.

5. Mix a little water with some PVA glue. Paint it over the entire inside and outside of the box. This acts as a sealer, which protects the paint. Equally, you could use clear nail polish, or any other varnish.

Now you have an epic Ollivander's box to store your wand in!
The next craft project will be on how to make the LSP coaster in the picture!
xx :3

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