Harry Potter book charm necklace

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NOTE: I got the general gist of this idea from an Instructables page - http://www.instructables.com/id/Harry-Potter-Book-Necklace/#step1)

Stuff you'll need:
- a necklace chain
- a small jump ring
- scissors
- a glue stick
- thin cardboard
- clear contact
- White paper
- hot glue gun
Let's get started!

1. Find a picture of your favourite HP book's cover, including spine (I did 'The Philosopher's Stone' - it's my fave :3) Paste it into a Word (or any other word-processing program) document and resize it until it's the size you want your book charm to be. Printout the page.
2. Cut out the printout and stick it onto your cardboard. Cut out the cover.
3. Cut out a rectangle of contact a little bigger than your book. Peel off the backing and stick the book onto it. Fold down all the edges. Crease along the spine.
4. Cut out 4-5 rectangles of printer paper the same size as your book. Stack the paper in a wad.
5. Using your glue gun, squeeze a line of glue down the crease you just made. While the glue is still wet, take your wad of paper and press it into it. This makes the pages.
6. Either punch a hole or stick a pen through you book to make a hole big enough to fit your jump ring through. I used a pen.
7. Slide your jump ring through the hole, then thread your necklace chain through the jump ring.

Your necklace is finished!
xx :3

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