Adventure Time coasters!

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NOTE: The whole idea for these came from a Paul the DIY Guy video on YouTube.
NOTE 2: Don't worry about the textured background on the pictures of the canvases, I had to paint over existing paintings, on which I painted a textured pattern.

Stuff you'll need:
- two flat canvases
- a whole buncha paints (just grab every colour you have :3)
- paintbrushes
- PVA glue and water OR clear nail varnish OR Mod Podge
- a whole buncha sharpies (or any other permanent marker brand)
Let's get started!

1. Mix together red, white and purple until you get the perfect LSP colour.
2. Paint the canvas with the paint you just made. Dry.
3. Paint a yellow star on the top of the coaster, then paint a thin orange border around it.
4. With a black sharpie, draw on eyes, eyebrows and mouth.
5. Mix together a little water with some PVA glue and paint it over the canvas.
5. Paint clear nail varnish over the canvas.
5. Use a sponge to apply a couple of coats of Mod Podge.
These all act as sealers, and prevent the paint from peeling.
You're finished!

1. Mix together blue and green paint until you get the perfect colour for BMO's body.
2. Paint the canvas with the paint you just made. Dry.
3. Add some white paint to the blue and green mix and until you get the perfect colour for BMO's face.
4. Paint a rectangle near the top of the canvas with the paint you just made. Dry.
5. Use coloured sharpies to draw on BMO's buttons and face.
6. Mix together a little water with some PVA glue and paint it over the canvas.
6. Paint clear nail varnish over the canvas.
6. Use a sponge to apply a couple of coats of Mod Podge.
You're finished!

Again, credit for this idea goes to Paul the DIY Guy.
Hope you enjoyed this project!
xx :3

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