Chapter 1

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Darkness shrouded me again, just like always. Then I realised, my eyes were closed. I tried opening them, but I was too tired. A loud sound beeped sharply, not too far off from where I was. Come to think of it, where was I? I tried lifting my hand but I had no energy. My throat felt parched. I could hear voices in the background. I felt a chill run down my spine. It seems he brought more clients today. I started panicking. The beeps next to me became louder and quicker, my breaths turned shallow.

“He’s hav… panic attack… need hel..!” I heard when a hand landed on me. I tried to scream but the parched throat didn’t let me. I started to shake and convulse on the bed. Wait… bed? Must be someone rich. That thought quickly flew out of mind as the hand grasped my upper arm tightly. I began to convulse again and could feel warm liquid coating my stomach, the familiar metallic smell of blood filing the air.

I heard a sob before a voice close by shouted, “Give him five mils of benzodiazepine stat!” I felt a small prick in my arm and suddenly I felt really tired. I could feel my convulsions stop as my mind calmed down. The hand holding me down released me, saying something, but all the voices faded as I fell into a dreamless sleep.


I really have to say, this darkness thing was getting really overrated. This time, there were no sounds except the beeping next to me. I tried to open my eyes again. I almost jumped in joy when I could see slits of light. I slowly opened them and took in the surroundings.

Gone was the dingy cell with the withered mattress. I was in a pristine white room lying on a soft, silky bed. I was hooked up to several machines. The beeping came from the machine next to me. It recorded some wave of mine which pulsed with my heart beat. Am I in heaven?

Just then, the voice of a door sliding open reached my ears. I slowly moved my eyes to see a man in a white coat walk in. He had his back to me. He shut the door and turned around before jumping in shock.

“You’re awake!” he exclaimed. He quickly ran to my side and grabbed my hand.

I panicked and my pulse increased. Is he going to hurt me like him? I quickly snatched my arms away from him and withdrew to the furthest corner of the bed. I didn’t trust him. What if he is just like him. I tried to curl up into a ball but my stomach hurt too badly. I remember that he had knifed me just the other day.

The man sensed that I was afraid of him and withdrew to a safe distance “I am not going to hurt you,” he said, raising his arms up in surrender and waiting.

 I looked at him from head to toe. I slowly moved back to how I was lying, keeping a close eye on him. He gave me a soft smile and slowly inched himself closer to me. The minute he was at an arm’s length from me, I started shifting. He understood and quickly moved away. He poured me a glass of water and left it by the table on the side and left the room. I slowly lifted my hand and grasped the glass. I felt so weak. I glanced down to see that I was wrapped in fresh bandages. I picked up the glass and quenched my thirst, the water sloppily dropping everywhere. I lay back on the pillow and just looked at the ceiling. The last thing I remember was a rather painful ‘session’ with him which ended up with me bleeding again. I remember raising my hand up to wall, making mark number 748 before blacking out. I groaned in frustration. It seems I blacked out a lot.

The door opened again and the white-coat man came in. He gave me a smile and kept a respectable distance between us. “Can I ask you a few questions?” he asked. I nodded.

“Alright, can you tell me your full name?” he asked.

“Th...Theodore Smi… Smith,” I said, stuttering. My voice sounded awfully squeaky and broken. I coughed a bit.

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