Chapter 6

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Chapter Six –

"This is quite beautiful," she whispered into the amiable silence that had fallen between them. She moved a little away from him to study a statue that seemed to be an old chi dog covered in moss and even sprouting tiny white flowers in places.

"Thank you, miko," he said just as quietly. He saw her huff indignantly as she did every so often as his continued refusal to use her name. She had no idea that in calling her 'miko' for so long, it had become his nickname for her. And at times even an endearment of sorts. He was glad she didn't get that yet, for it was too awkward for him to admit to himself. Just thinking about what he did feel for her made him have to look away suddenly as his beast was now licking its' chops at the way she looked in that delectable dress tonight. Shaking himself mentally, he focused on the regulation of his breathing. She seemed to study him as if just remembering something before smiling brightly up at him. She stepped closer to him, her eyes shining as she continued to get closer. It was almost as if she thought she needed to get a better look. She stopped mere inches from him and seemed to be staring at his face. Remembering that he had his shielding magic off, he knew she was studying his marking. He had to take some relaxing breaths and remind himself that she was not his in any way. Yet, his beast had to add childishly. The breaths did not work and actually backfired as her delicious scent worked its' way deeper into his senses, teasing him in ways she never had. Except, he amended, in those dreams he had had the past two nights.

"Perfect," she whispered as she stopped in front of him. "You don't look right without them," she murmured in a distracted voice. Before he realized what she was doing, her fingers came up to trace the slashes of red on his cheeks and the crescent moon on his forehead. He closed his eyes in reaction to the feel of her touch against his skin and she lightly traced the marks on his eyelids as well. He barely held his reaction in check at her innocent actions, but he couldn't help the fact his beast was rising. He was sure his eyes had red bleeding into the whites at the moment. He pushed his beast back, not wanting to frighten her. When her fingertips suddenly found and traced the outline of one of his pointed ears, a strangled growl escaped him suddenly. She gasped, her hand flying up to cover her mouth that was now gaping in surprise.

"I'm sorry," she whispered hurriedly, and he knew his eyes were still infused with red. "I couldn't seem to help myself," she said as she shuffled backward another half-step toward the doors leading inside. She lowered her hand slowly as she went on, "It must be the wine I had with dinner," she excused lamely, "I must be more of a lightweight than I realized." She continued to mutter and it sounded like she was trying to convince herself along with him. He stepped closer to her as she unknowingly backed herself against the French doors, blocking the nearest escape route.

"You only had half a glass," he whispered thickly and knew his control was very thin at the moment. He kept moving closer to her and only stopped when they were mere inches apart. "You aren't that much of a lightweight," he told her matter-of-factly.

"I'm sorry," she repeated and licked her lips nervously. It was a gesture that made both parts of him more aroused. "I didn't mean to hurt you," she went on and her voice pleaded with him to believe her.

"You didn't hurt me," he whispered and sensed her heartbeat speed up more than before as her breathing became faster as well.

"Then why are your eyes red? And what was that growl about?" she asked incredulously, trying to puzzle it out it seemed, while completely missing the obvious.

"Shut up Kagome," he whispered endearingly before he lowered his lips to kiss her very soundly on the mouth. She had gasped in shock when he said her name and he used her partially open mouth to his advantage. He traced the inside and outside of her lips with his tongue and had to hold back another growl when she made a whimper-like sound in her throat. He felt her relax against him more, but had to break the kiss when they ran out of air. He also wanted to gage her reaction, as well as his own.

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