How we first met (chapter 1)

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hey im new to this site so im now getting started so please like :P thanks !_!_____________________________________________________________________________________


you: while I'm in California just chilling with the guys playing little basketball ,Jacob got little stressed out because no one passed the ball to him.Out of the blue he says " WAIT guys we still gotta plan that party,and its tomorrow and we haven't started the god damn thing".

you: *in my head* I'm like dude Jacob are u serious u are so impatient and your acting a bit bitchy because he doesn't know that every thing has already been planned without him.

Craig: hey here comes some girls!! *Craig talks to the girl* hey shorty wats up!

girl: I'm great well let me introduce myself ,my name is Taylor this is Christina, china and Jasmine.

you: well hey ladies I'm ray this is Craig, Jacob,and trey. here is gonna be a party at out house tomorrow at 3:00 until 1:00 in the morning. Our house is right around the corner the yellow five story house we hope to see u there bye now.

everyone:ok thanks bye

you :damn look at Christina's booty

Jacob: i like china she looks quiet cool I'm the opposite but so what some day i wanna marry her

Craig:hmm Taylor looks hot i think she should be the queen bee of those chicks but sad china is no offence Jacob

trey:Jasmine gotta a dirty attitude i like that i n a woman

you:we really gotta get to know those girls tomorrow at the party to get a fresh start on our lives and forget that son of a bitch Adam.

Jacob's P.O.V

the guys where over excited to see those girls again i am too but only one girl and that's china she is the key to my new future. she is sweet my everything i can see that when I'm with her i don't have to go back to my old self because horrible things happened to me and the guys and we would never wanna go back there. its time for us to settle down for once in stead of moving to place to place to get rid of Adam's men .*thinks to myself* you know what Jacob u need to forget about Adam because he will never find us here and if he does its gonna be serious, and if he finds out that we have crushes on those girls wow he's gonna kill them why did we get in to this mess when we where 10 years old now its gonna effect our whole entire life but we only did it for our mom and dad.Now that they are dead we regret it and that's why we did it but we finally know the truth Adam killed my parents, trey's parents , craig's parents and ray's parents. But if he finds us its gonna go down as a fight and neither of us are afraid to die because u know what we went to jail already at the age of 15 and we just came out at 17 Adam doesn't know that cause the old man doesn't check on us and to believe he's our uncle. Now he's gonna pay.

trey's P.O.V.

I told the guys "hey look at Jacob's face. he had his thinking face". i know something was going on with him ever since that Adam incident and we had to go jail he was a little paranoid since and he always wake up screaming. He always had flash backs, but right now i am not sure if he's really thinking about Adam i think he's thinking about that girl because he said he was gonna marry her . we thought it was too early for that we still had to go graduation and see if we had got in to our college but its only us on a break because we recently came out of jail we have alot of work to catch up on that's wat he should be focusing on right now but the party is a celebration that we made it out alive so all of our school friends are going to be there. i really think he needs to loosen up.

Craig: bruh i heard u over talking to ya self i know times are hard with Jacob but well get him through it but for now focus on today and tomorrow because this party int gonna miss us!!!!

hey guys its jayde and sorry its a bit short are alot but hey this is my first time give me a break thanks and like please

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