Stallions' Misunderstanding

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"We failed, thanks to Stallions!" Hawks yowled at an unhappy Stallions. Vikings, seething how sad Stallions was, decides to talk to him.

"Tell me about it," Stallions frowned a little.

"Its ok, Stallions. We all make mistakes and we learn from them."

"Its my fault. I'm sorry I got you guys into trouble in the first place. But now, its time to fix my mistakes," apologized Stallions, who is now prepared to help the trio escape and save El Yoshida, and everyone else from Xenophobia's control.

"That's the spirit, Stallions," Maverick, Hawks, and Vikings said, proving that Stallions was ready and so they were.

In a few minutes, the four unicorns defeated Xenophobia's jail guards in a brief fight and marched off to save everyone.

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