Bravery Stallions ending

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One year later, after Xenophobia's defeat, Stallions and his four friends, including Bree, manage to see El Yoshida again and ask her whether Xenophobia escaped or not. She stated that Xenophobia was unable to escape. Bree looked at her frowny boss, and when he saw her, he told her he was sorry about his heinous actions and crimes against Magical Horse Ville, much to Bree's delight. "See you guys around," Bree laughed as she shook the globe, making Xenophobia sick. Then Stallions and the others waved back at her.

It is unknown with what happened to Xenophobia afterwards, but it was either that Xenophobia died from a sickness due to Bree violently shaking the snow globe, or it was possible that she stopped shaking the snow globe and never released her abusive boss again and instead places him in a collection.

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