chapter 1

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Harry POV (day before his 14th birthday)

I hurry to try and finish all my chores before Uncle Vernon arrives home from work. As I am working in the front garden, I see Uncle Vernon's car pull into the driveway. Uncle Vernon comes straight for me causing all the blood leaving my face, and am sure my face is white as snow. I feel my body start to quiver in fear as the monster that is my uncle gets closer and closer to me, "What the hell is this you useless freak!? you should be in your fucking cupboard by now! I put you back in there so I wouldn't see your freakish face not so it was the first thing I see when I arrive home from work". I let out a small pained squeak as Uncle Vernon grabs my hair in one fat hand and punches fair in the gut with his other hand, then proceeding to drag me into the only place worse than Hogwarts, the basement. Now you may think that I love Hogwarts but I really don't, I mean would you like a place when whenever you go there someone is trying to kill you? no I didn't think so. Once we arrive in the basement I am instantly strapped to the metal table. Once he is happy that the straps are tight enough he proceeds to rip my shirt from my body and throws my glasses across the room, and then takes off his belt. I instantly close my eyes, waiting to feel the buckle of the belt slam into my exposed torso, however the pain never comes so I open my eyes to see what Vernon was doing only to be met with the now unexpected pain of the belt buckle on my chest, "keep your fucking eyes open slut!" Vernon whispers dangerously in my ear. The belt only lasts for about an hour but that means that it's time for the knife, I really, really hate the knife. After what felt like an eternity of Vernon carving horrible words into my skin, he finally puts the knife down causing me to let out a relieved sigh because he always sends me to my cupboard after the knife. WARNING RAPE SKIP TO NEXT PARA IF U DONT WANNA READ . when Vernon doesn't release my restraints I look up only to see him smiling at me and I instantly know that whatever is coming is definitely going to hurt more than the knife. I feel Vernon release the cuffs on my legs only to have him pull my jeans and boxers down ( not sure what they are called in Britain ) and resecure the restraints. I thrash around madly trying to escape but I'm too late as an ear piercing scream leaves my mouth as he shoves his dick inside me. After a half hour of pain and listening to him enjoy himself I allow myself to succumb to the darkness of my mind.

When I come to I realise that I am in my cupboard with a small blanket over my lower half and realise that Petunia must have brought me here. I look at the clock and see that it is a minute to midnight, a minute to my birthday. As the clock clicks over I feel a slight tingling in my body. Now let me tell you this, if I wasn't as accustomed to pain as I am I would have been screaming my lungs out but nothing can compare to what he did and the pain he caused me. with that thought I lay my head down and let sleep take once again.

Hi Author here sorry this is short only 615 words but I'm tired. will post 2nd chap once this hits 5 reads thx bye ^u^

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