truth's out.

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I woke up and got dressed.
I went downstairs and fixed myself some breakfast when I heard a knock at the door.

I currently have the house to myself.

I open the door and there stood Cam,Nash, and Hayes.
"Hey guys!".
"Hey,"they all replied.

"Shall we make the video?" I ask.
"We shall,"says Cam.
"To the stairs,"says Nash.
"Onward!," says Hayes.

They all had this weird accent and I couldn't help but laugh.
---------------to video----
"What's up everyone! This is Riley Merchin and I'm here with,-I'll
let them introduce themselves."
After they do, I say,"Okay, so most of you may have seen my tweet or instagram post last night, but this video is to explain what happened last night.
So we went to a party, and it was my bestfriends party. I decided to record when I went to look for Carter to make a cute vlog, but this is what I found.-shows the video-no, I didn't edit this nor do I plan on it. But now you know what happened.I hope you guys see the other situations with girls resolving Carter, have a 99.9% chance of being true. The worst thing is that the girl was my BEST FRIEND. He also HIT ME. What kind of dog is he? Then when I look back over this, I'm just one of you. A fan. A supporter. But when I was with Carter, he made me feel different, told me he loved me. But the thing is, and I'm trying not to cry right now, but the thing is, I may have always been One Of You, and I understand that. But, even though I was Carter's girlfriend, and he meant more to me than just a celebrity crush, I was always just one of you to him. Well that's all for this video, follow me on instagram and Twitter @RileyMerchin ! and be sure to get your Riley Merchin Merch! Link's in the description!
But before I sign out, ask yourself, "Is Carter Reynolds really someone you want to look up to?". Well truth's out. Tune in to my next video. I'm not sure when it will be, but I'm hoping these guys will be in it."

I post the video and turn to the boys and say,"truth's out now.hmm, wonder what will happen.."

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