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"That's it, balance your weight evenly, and put your tail down! It's sticking up like a twig!"

"Twigs don't stick up, they stick sideways." you helpfully point out.
Emberspirit rolled her eyes, "It was a metaphor! Just do it, or you won't catch a thing!",You lowered your tail,
"Right now, sniff the air. Can you smell any prey?"

You sniffed the air. A twoleg had walked nearby, but the scent was stale, two or three days old if you had to say. You could smell some prey too, there's a mouse nearby, but before you can begin to pinpoint it, another smell hits your nose. It's some creatures, lots of them, but you don't know what they are, and their scent is laced with sweetness.

Do you...

Keep stalking the mouse (53)

Run! (54)

Ask Emberspirit what the scent is (55)

Warrior cats choose your own adventure: fate of MeadowClanWhere stories live. Discover now