Chapter 1: The reckoning

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There it was, all cloned up in its own root. Never has he seen such a Mechanical used creation, turning a completely broken computer into a fully functioned advanced software. Aslan was amazed, and Bukin was impressed. It was Maverick Haka who saw the capable potential of his son with his own eyes, couldn't even believe that the 7 year old boy could do such things at such a young age. Impressed he was, but couldn't resist the ingenious ingenuity of his son William, for it was James Haka the boys Grandfather taught young William of what he must know about computers. Nevertheless, the boy was unusually clever, as years went by he began showing signs of how smart and wise he had become. At the age of 10, he defeated national Mathematical champion Ronald Fernandez with only two mistakes, at 12 he won the national prize award for Higher Class Elementary Physics, at 15 he beat world time Chess champion Marvin Ashford with 7 moves and at 16 he won the worldly competition for International software programmer. The kid is weirdly specific in almost everyway, but very much unusual in nature.
By the time he reached 17, everything changes for the dramatic.

Early one evening, he suddenly awoke due to loud banging noises coming from downstairs, he could also hear the screams of a woman but then later realized that it was his Mother. Immediately he got off bed and quickly sprinted downstairs, but as soon as he got down, he was in for a rude shock. He discovered that his parents were already lying down dead on the floor, still bleeding due to gunshots, it was a horrible nightmare for William as he sat there shouting and crying over their dead bodies.

A few seconds later, seurity arrived and began searching the whole place but couldn't find anyone, sadly for William it was too late to do anything, he failed to protect his parents and kept on sitting beside them staring over their poor bodies.

A few hours later his Grandfather arrived, relieved he was knowing that William was safe giving the boy a hug saying, "It's alright son, everything's going to be okay." Hugging as tears also dropped from James cheek, but he slowly brushed it aside.

Herold Steward, the family butler stood frozen for a few minutes or so then later gave a glance to James.
"What do you intend to do, Sire?" He asked.
"Get me Ronald Hergin," James answered with an angry face.
Herold obeyed and immediately went over to the phone, and began dialing some numbers.
James slowly looked down, only finding that the boy was very silent but still in tears. William felt as if the whole world has ended, like the sun no longer rising or the wolves no longer howling, it was a real and living nightmare. Nothing has prepared him for this moment, it was all unexpected.

Early the next morning, police arrived on set along with a couple of forensic officers wearing white jackets. After they cleared out, a team of detectives began questioning every person in the house, including James Haka himself. Although the police were entirely aware of James, they still had no clue as to how the house was attacked.

"Now Mr Haka, would you mind telling me what happened in the house when you arrived?" questioning James as the detective lit a cigar in his mouth.

"I had no idea, as soon as I arrived everything had already played out. My son and his wife are dead, luckily for William he wasn't, thank God for that," he answered.

The detective gave a stern look on his face, knowing that James has some hidden secrets which needed to be unfolded. "And where were you when all of this.... horrific scene played out?" questioning James again, trying to crack him up in order to reveal his secrets. Unfortunately for him, James was a strong and stubborn person, and even too powerful to challenge.

"I believe your time is up, detective." The detective exhaled heavily, "Well then, Mr Haka. Thank you so much for your time and I do hope that we shall meet again, sooner or later."

James actually gave a faint smile and said, "With the greatest respect, detective. I hope not." The detective said nothing else but only smiled, then he walked out of the house along with a couple of officers.

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