Chapter 2: The Beast Within

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Much is known about the Arctic Snakes, but hell, nobody dares messes  with them. Only if things go the wrong way, should you know how to buckle up your seatbelts. Many people around New Zealand and in Oceania feared the Arctic Snakes, many were even afraid of lifting a finger against them, because of this, many people's lives were in danger, including the Haka's.

James already knew this was coming, but what on earth was he thinking? He knows about the Baltimore attacks, the northern coast raids and the Christchurch robbery. He also knew about the Lotukoa Gang of their plot to assassinate him, along with other Mafia members around the country. It seems that someone had alredy put a big bounty on his head, but who?
James knew only one man who would do such terror, and that one man, is Robert Philias.

He knew this because of the tattoo on one of his men's neck, stunned he was, but said nothing as he stared into the eyes of his prisoner.

Alfred wasn't surprised at how his boss was acting, he just stood there with his hands covered with the prisoners blood. Dalian stood on the left side of James, keeping his rear guard secured in case the prisoner jumped up on his boss.
James kept on staring at the man's face for another twenty seconds, until he finally opened his mouth.
"So, Robert thinks he is smart enough to out wit me huh?
The man's eyes were filled with hatred as he spat on James face, "The Snake will come for you. As well as your precious little Haka's," he said with cruelty in his voice.
James can tell that the man was not from around here or this country, he noticed this because of the man's strange but familiar accents, which were clearly not Kiwi-like. No, his accent was more Russian-like.

James sighed, "Very well then, if that is what you wish for. Then you shall have it."
Alfred immediately reached out his right hand to grab one of the wet wipes on the table next to him, then he handed it over to James. Dalian was angered over the fact that his boss was spit on the face so cruelly, this triggered his emotions into action as he moved up to try and hit the man with his fist all clenched together, but was suddenly stopped by James as he raised his left arm signalling him not to move. Frustrated he was, but obeyed his boss.

James carefully looked into the eyes of the man again and said, "Look, I know where you came from, and I know that you're not from around here. So let me make this clear and simple." The man said nothing but clearly it seems that he is paying attention to whatever James is talking about.

"This is Oceania. Home of the Kiwis and Kangaroos. Also, home to the natives of the pacific. And we've been swimming with the sharks for over a thousand years, while you have only been here for like, what, one, two days? So let me tell how this.... Plays out, you will drown and my ka Mate stingrays, will eat you."
After that talk, James backed off and then turned towards the basement door where he gave a nod to Alfred, signalling him to begin his work of butchery.
"Oh, how rude of me," saying as he turned back facing the prisoner.
"PLEASE, Do enjoy the pleasant hospitality of my crew. I also do hope that you enjoy their services, whilst they gut you from the inside. Cheerio!"
Horror, filled the man's face like kerosene being fueled into a tanker. No other words can be described as James slowly exited the basement, hearing the screams of torture from the poor man's voice. So sad, he could have been more reasonable, he said to himself.

As he got to the bunker, he was surprised to see that William wasn't there. He looked over the room and saw Bukin, snoring heavily in his overtimed sleep. Dalian approached Bukin and kicked his legs off the mattress, this suddenly awoke him as he found himself lying on the ground floor.

"What the hell!" he exclaimed.

"Dalian, you little—

"Where is William, Bukin?" a deep voice interrupted.

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