𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐒𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐭 𝐓𝐢𝐩𝐬

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01. make a digital script first!
use google docs (or maybe google slides, which i would suggest), and start your script there! its easy to stay organized, its fun, and using media (photos, gifs, etc.) can really improve your script! having photos for things in your script can help you remember, and visualize your DR/WR. you will see in my WR script, that i used loads of photos as well as some extra description/add ons. For me, having photos makes it easier for me because my brain isn't that bright, and there's no possible way id be able to get down to every small detail about things in my WR (which i don't think you even have to anyways, but i want everything to look right to me.) It sounds rlly time consuming and brain draining, and pointless, especially when there's a way better solution to it. i know there's some people out there who feel the same lol. 

I would make a paper copy after the digital. some of you may want to put more writing in your script like I did, so grab a piece of paper, and use your digital script as a guide to making your paper one. you can use this for a shifting method like the pillow method,(i put my paper script under my pillow before I do the raven method and I've gotten really strong surges of shifting signs) or to just have a backup copy.

02. Going somewhere dangerous? THESE SHOULD BE MANDATORY!!
everyone has different taste, so i could only imagine the places you guys are gonna shift to. Whether it be Danganronpa, AOT, HxH, or anything of that sort. if you are shifting to a place where you really could potentially die, there are some things i highly suggest scripting. Why? because shifting to a DR,-- that place is real. You can feel everything just like you can in your CR right now. So just imagine getting murdered in your DR, or eaten, for all those AOT shifters. You will experience that and feel everything and it will be way worse than any nightmare you may have had. If you do die in a DR, you'll just come back to your CR, so its best to script the following things as well so your visit isn't cut short.

script that you cannot die in your DR
ex. "i cannot die in my DR"
script that you cannot feel extreme pain (this can vary. i scripted that i cannot feel extreme pain but i can get a tiny bit hurt.)
ex. "i cannot feel pain in my DR"
script that you will not have any lasting trauma from your DR experience
ex. "i will not have any lasting emotional (or physical) trauma from my DR"
script your safeword/action
ex. "to shift back to my CR, i will say Chocolate. this will only work if said with the intention to shift"

other things to script;

ex. " 1 hour CR = 1 day DR"
ex. "i will/will not age in my DR"

03. Get detailed!
The more detailed, the better! there's no going overboard when it comes to scripting! Script as much info as you feel you need until your script is accurate enough for you.

04. i forgot the last tip but this sandwich is good
bone appitiete

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