Part 1

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Quigley Dylan Quagmire stood at the edge of the self-sustaining hot air mobile home. The wind was cold and had many violent puffs swaying the boy's hair. His warm hazel eyes were fixed on the ocean. The choppy waves went back and forth; there was a thick layer of fog over the water, making it harder to see the exact motions of the ocean. 'She was wearing a diving suit; that must mean she was in a submarine,' Quigley thought to himself. Quigley couldn't bring himself to say her name out loud. He felt as if a curse would be brought by speaking the name. He felt as if it was a crime just to think of her name. "Hey," Isadora greeted her brother, who jumped in fear, "relax, it's just me, come inside; it's freezing out here,"
"I'm fine," Quigley told her.
"I'm worried about you Quigley; you've barely said a word to any of us since you we found you again. That was a year ago, A YEAR AGO. I miss my brother Quigley, and I am interested in what has you so depressed. What happened when we were separated?"
Quigley gave her a not-so reassuring smile, "Nothing important, I just miss a friend,"
"I don't believe you. Anyways you coming inside, I don't want you getting sick," Quigley agreed to go in, but as usual, he distanced himself from Hector, Duncan, and Isadora. "Guys, I have an idea; lets each write a letter to a person we miss, then we'll read them out loud," Duncan suggested. Everyone agreed.
"Can I go first?" Isadora asked; Duncan and Hector, nodded, "Dear Klaus Baudelaire," That earned an 'ohhh' from Duncan, and he earned a glare from Isadora. "I miss you deep chocolate brown eyes sparkle in the sunshine. Your bright smile made my heart flutter, and it is true that I truly care for you,"
"Bravo Issy," Quigley applauded.
"I want to hear Quigley's next," Isadora said.
"I second that; who did you really miss?" Duncan teasingly asked. Quigley rolled his eyes at his brother's antics.
"My dearest," Quigley started; Duncan and Isadora exchanged looks, "I miss your deep blue eyes that have burned my soul. Your lovely smile that haunts my mind. Our kiss that dwells in my spirit every moment, have you guys had enough yet?"
"Wow, I was- yo- who?" Duncan and Isadora stuttered, Quigley scribbled the name of the very girl, no, young woman that had took his heart. Violet. He still couldn't bring himself to say the name out loud. After a small dinner everyone decided to call it a night. Quigley closed his eyes, but his mind's eye did not help him. 

"Justice Strauss, you said there was a couch in your camper?" Violet asked. Justice Strauss was an odd lady to find on the trolley to Mortmain Mountains, but here she was right there with the Baudelaire Children (minus Sunny) and Quigley. Violet and Quigley hadn't directly talked to each other since their kiss on the ledge. "Yes I do, I can fit one of you guys in the camper, then I also have a tent and one very large sleeping bag," Violet had a odd feeling she had never felt before build up in her chest around Quigley, she had a feeling she knew what it was. 'Really Violet? You met him a day ago,' Violet thought to herself. "Klaus, you're the youngest, sleep in the camper," Violet directed. Little did Violet know, Quigley was feeling very similar to her. "Violet can I talk to you in the ruins?" Klaus asked. Violet nodded and followed him through the arch way. "You sure you'll be okay? I mean spending the night with this guy?"
"You'll be in arms reach from us, and I trust Quigley," Violet reassured her hesitant brother. "Okay,"
After Quigley and Violet pitched their tent, they both carefully climbed inside. Violet was shivering, Quigley noticed this immediately. "Vi, get in the sleeping bag,"
"I'm fine,"
"No you're not, you look like you're going to freeze," Violet crawled into the giant sleeping bag, Violet noticed him stay idle in the corner. "Well, you're going freeze too, get in,"
"It's j-j,"
"I know," Violet took a deep breath, "we can sleep next to each other without it being awkward, right?"
"Vi, I like you, like like you,"
"I like like you too," Violet responded.
"Can I kiss you again?" Violet responded to him by pressing her lips to his. They both crawled under the sleeping bag, "it's a chilly night,"
"Indeed," Quigley replied while pulling her into an embrace.

Quigley got up and went over to the libaray basket, when he was little, reading Atlases would always cheer him up, now his only comfort is Violet's ribbon, which slid out of her hair and was caught by him when he fell off thee sled at Stirken Stream. Quigley looked down at the dark blue ribbon, warm, salty tears began to slid down his face, "I love you, Violet," he whispered, for the first time in a year, he had said her name. "I knew there was someone, but Violet Baudelaire? That surprised me," Isadora told him, which made him jump. "Are you crying?"
Isadora sat down next to her brother and wrapped her arms around him. "I miss her,"
"I know, I know,"
"I'm leaving tomorrow,"
"Quigley, are parents would have wanted us together,"
"Yes, I know, but I can't be up here when I know, I have a feeling in my heart that the love of my life is down there suffering,"
"Very well then, I'm coming with you,"
"Issy, you can't,"
"Why not?"
"It's going to be dangerous-"
"I know it's going to be, I'm sick of you and Duncan treating me like I'm made of glass. I am not going to be separated from my brother again, I know you have your thing with Violet, but I want to see Klaus, so so badly. I'm going with you and there is nothing that will change my mind.
"Very well then,"
"Where are we going?"
"The last safe place,"
"Bye Hector, bye Duncan," Quigley told them while walking off the Hot Air Moblie Home. "Bye Hector, thank you for everything-"
"You're going with him?" Duncan asked I nodded my head.
"Someone has to make sure he isn't killed," I laughed, "bye Duncan, we'll meet up again soon,"
"I'm coming with you guys, the quagmire triplets shouldn't be separated,"
"I know I'm the weakest and the youngest, but I made it through Count Olaf-"
"Duncan, we aren't dealing with Count Olaf anymore, it's too dangerous,"
"Please, I don't want to lose you guys," Duncan started crying. Quigley and Isadora exchanged looks.
"You're not going to lose us, how about this, next Sunday you guys could come to the Hotel Denouement?" Quigley suggested. Duncan slowly nodded and pulled his triplets into a bear hug. "I love you guys,"
"I love you too, more than Quigley loves Vi-" Quigley nudged her to shut up.
"Wait he told you,"
"No, I read his commonplace book,"
"Who is it?"
"No one important," Quigley told them.
"What are we looking for at the last safe place?" Isadora asked him.
"The sugar bowl,"

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