Kung fu panda 2: Part 1

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[Opens up to a narrated story, displayed in a 2D-animated shadow puppet show. Two peacocks overlook a tall, majestic tower.]

[In voiceover] Long ago, in ancient China, the peacocks ruled over Gongmen City. They brought great joy and prosperity to the city, for they had invented fireworks.

"Oh! I heard master Thundering Rhino is the master of the city" Said Po.
"That's is truce Po" said Shifu.

[Puppet citizens gather in the streets as colorful fireworks explode over the city. The scene then changes to a room in the palace: a young white peacock experiments with the gunpowder. A small explosion from the bowl surprises him, and then he smiles darkly. Shen's mother and father witness this outside his room, and look at each other with concern.]

But their son, Lord Shen, saw darker power in the fireworks. What had brought color and joy could also bring darkness and destruction.

Oogway shake his head in disapproval of how Young shen turn something of Joy into Destruction as Many had similar reactions.

[The scene switches to the throne room: Shen's parents watch as the court soothsayer puts two items into a small bowl and an apparition emerges. In the apparition, a white peacock is consumed by a yin yang symbol.]

Shen's troubled parents consulted a soothsayer. She foretold that if Shen continued down this dark path, he would be defeated by a warrior of black and white.

"A Warrior of black and white?" Said Crane as Others look.
"Black and white?" Repeated Viper.
Then Tigress look at Po.
"I think it means A Panda will stand in Shen way" She said.
"Wait what? You mean me?" Said Po.
"Of course, Who else is a Panda Kung fu warrior!" Said Monkey.
"Yeah......" Chuckle Po.

[Shen watches the scene from behind a pillar. He scowls and exits the palace with a small army of wolves.

"One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it..." Said Oogway .
"Yes, Master Oogway" Said Shifu.
"But.... What's is Shen doing?..." said Viper as she had an terrible feeling.
"I don't think it's something good..." Said Po.

The young lord set out to change his fate, but what he did next... only sealed it.

[A moment later, the residents of a small panda village watch in horror as Shen sets his wolves on them.]

The five, And Shifu gasp in shock as Po had a Flash of an Memory of an Snowy forest then it was gone as he held his forehead.

"He...... ..no..." Said Viper Saddened.
"Those poor innocent pandas..." Said Crane.
Tigress look at Po as She put her paw onto his shoulder for comfort.

[Back at the palace, Shen bursts in on his parents, triumphant. His expression changes when he sees the looks on their faces.]

Shen returned to his parents full of pride, but in their faces, he only saw horror.

[Outside the palace gates, Shen and his parents stand on opposite sides. Shen's father signifies that Shen is banished.]

He was banished from the city forever.

[Shen furiously says words back before departing with his wolves. Shen's parents' shoulders slump as they watch their son leave.]

But Shen swore revenge: Someday, he would return, and all of China would bow at his feet.

[A door to the shadow puppet scene closes and then cuts to a foundry in the mountains. A pack of wolves are seen heaving, pounding, and burning metal. One of the wolves, a large soldier with one eye, jumps over to Shen and bows.]

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2020 ⏰

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