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Earlier, 11:27 PM
The Lodge

I remember the crying. The wailing, the panicking. It was surreal. I remember Madison running in, accompanied by the dozen of members of the search party, blood speckled and smeared on her white down coat. She announced the news we all dreaded. Our classmate has been shot dead.

People were traumatized. There was a murderer around. We weren't safe, even in the warmth and comfort of the ski lodge. I had drunk several cups of caffeine to stay awake and on edge. The killer was possibly in this very building. They were probably hiding somewhere, ready to pounce like a predator and shoot more innocent people dead.

This was really bad timing. We were on a high school field trip. We should be having fun, hitting the slopes and making friends, not panic at the middle of the night, crying over someone's sudden death. If Meg hadn't lost her way and get in trouble, we'd all be having a great time.

I took another sip of my warm drink and overhear a conversation between the leader of the search party and a staff member. I didn't particularly enjoy eavesdropping, but I couldn't resist. "Murdered... the bullet seems to be from a Remington R15..." "We have one of those hunting rifles here at the lodge... The killer could have used the one we have here." "Maybe... Highly doubt it... We have good employees here... They'd never do that!" "At this point, who can we trust?"

I pondered on the last statement. Who can we trust? Anyone here can be behind this. It could have been a guest, a staff member, or even someone on the class field trip.

I write down these words on a napkin:

- Died from a gunshot. Bullet from a Remington R15. Coincidentally, there happens to be one of those rifles at the lodge. Could the murderer be someone who is acquainted with the staff, or even be an employee?
- Found near Polaris Peak hill. Probe people that have taken the slope (or nearby area).
- Body found by Madison Evans. Could she be implicated in this?

I put my pencil down and shove the napkin in my pocket.

I shall trust no one.

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