Lezbisnizle Doodle Suck

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Cam started screeching because the gigantic purple elephant man started eating everything in the furby shop. Tristan was too busy doing the mexican tap dance on a hood of a pink battery powered barbie jeep to realize that the mall was up in flames.

Tristan looked over beside him and saw a herd of gay midget men in elf costumes playing ring around the rossey. He decided to unleash his final form and fling an over cooked sword fish at them because they were annoying. After crushing their skulls from walking on their body's he realized they were dancing around the last purple furby in existence. He spun around Mario style and did a peace sign before a tub of chunky molding milk fell on his head but since he was immune to chunky molding milk in a bucket he walked away not harmed with his prize.

"Tristan we must leave my kind sir. The mall is turning into a sack of saggy turkey necks." Cam said as he lets out a big wet one in his sexy cat girl costume.

As our hero's were about to leave they saw the infamous escalator molester Hayden. He was penetrating the escalator with his nose.

"SWEET SAMANTHA PETERSON THE SECOND ! " Hayden shouted spinning around fixing his tutu made out of golden horse dandruff. He was so mesmerized by the lovely set of moving stairs he didn't realize how much his surroundings have changed. The roof of the mall was blown off, The gay midget men in elf costumes weren't dancing anymore, the furby shop has been robbed by a gigantic mutated purple elephant men and there were boys in sexy spandex cat girl outfits they bought from spirit Halloween in front of him.

"Mr. Hayden" Tristan started crying. He tried to touch Hayden's face but cam grabbed Tristan by his hair and spun him around in the air before flinging him into the near by recycling bin.

"Mr. Man Hayden can you please help us-" Cam then got interrupted by Tristan walking over wearing these boots the size of a football field. He looked like Patrick star from that one movie that everyone forgot about.

"Excuse me I just can't belIEvE yoU DID thAT!" Tristan said in a microphone that connected to all the speakers in the mall since he was so high up in the atmosphere due to his large 50 feet long boots. He then started to tip over and create more destruction.

"Anyways..." Cam pulled out the purple furby from his invisible fanny pack.

"We need your help summoning the legendary simp for a life time supply of onions-"

A space ship then crashed into the escalator from the sky. Spacemen came out and threatened to detain Hayden if he didn't tell them the secret formula to the summoning of mega simp.

"Are you serious!?" Cam then got interrupted again by a golf cart driving through the wall.

"Master mister man sir Hayden, I've come to pick you up." Said Denise, Hayden's magical talking golf cart partner.

The spacemen started having aneurysms before chasing after Hayden.

The infamous escalator molester hopped in his golf cart friend.

"Get in cunt" yelled Hayden to Cam and Tristan. Cam hopped in next to Hayden while Tristan made tiny steps that were much larger to others because he was wearing fifty foot boots.

"You can't take those! Red angry face emoji" Cam said pulling a cheap asian fan that was made in china from his invisible fanny pack. He proceeded to violently fan himself like he was a rich bitch from the 1500's.

"Fine!" Tristan pouted but then started to cry as he sat down and flung the boots in the air. They fell down on that stupid gigantic mutated purple elephant man. He made his way in the back of the golf cart and they drove through the mall that now looked like crisis city from Sonic 06. The spacemen flew after them with their hoverboards.

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