Cahpter 2 Our first incounter

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A few moments later mom came up and told Ginny and I that we were going to diagon alley. Me and Ginny went downstairs where we saw mom, dad, Percy, Fred, George, Ron, and Harry. Mom was going to have Harry go to diagon alley first but Ron pointed out that he has never traveled by floo powder so mom had Ron go first instead. Ron got in the fireplace said diagon alley then threw down the floo powder then went up in a green flame. Then Harry went but instead of saying diagon alley he said diagonalley which made Ginny panic.

"What did he say dear". Mom said to dad

"Diagonalley". Said dad

"Thought so". Said mom

I looked over at Ginny we both had worried looks on our faces. When we all go to diagon alley besides Harry I went to the bookshop with mom, Ron, fred, George, and Percy while dad took Ginny to go get her first wand. While mom, Harry, Hermione, and Ginny were down at the first floor I was on the second where I saw a boy with platinum blonde hair. He was looking at Harry with a disgusted look on his face.

"Do you have a problem with Harry?" I asked the boy he looked at me and said

"You must be a weasley."

"Yes I am, my name is Ava." I said. The boy looked at me and said.

"I don't care."

"Rude". I said. Percy came up behind me and told me.

"It's time to get you wand ava." He said while giving the boy a dirty look.

"Okay."I went down the stairs shortly followed by Percy and the boy. I went over to Ginny to tell her how rude the boy was. But she quickly got distracted by the boy coming up to Potter and saying.

"I'll bet you loved that didn't you Potter? Famous Harry Potter can't even go into a bookshop without making the front page." I could tell Ginny got mad.

"Leave him alone." She said with a angry voice the boy said.

"Look Potter you've got yourself a girlfriend." A man with the same platinum blonde hair came up behind him you could tell he was his father.

"Now now Draco play nicely." The man said, and then It hit me that boy was Draco Malfoy and the man was his father luscious. I quickly ran out and Percy with me. Percy looked at me and asked what was wrong.

"Nothing"I said.

"I just want to get my wand." Me and Percy went to ollivandars where I got my wand. It was alder wood with a Phoenix feather core. We met back up with everyone else then went home. Everyone kept asking me why I ran out of the book shop I told them the same thing I told percy. " I just wanted to get my wand."

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