Chapter 3 The first day at hogwarts

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It was the next day I would finally be going to Hogwarts when we got to platform 9 3/4 mom and dad helped me and Ginny find a seat we found one. I couldn't help but try to look for Draco and I hated myself for it I got so distracted by thinking about him that mom and dad had to yell just to get my attention which made everyone stare at us and I got embarrassed.

"What we're you thinking about?" Dad asked me

"Nothing" I said they could tell I was lying because I'm so bad at it.

"Are you sure you can tell us anything." Mom said.

But I knew I couldn't tell her this and I definitely can't tell dad or Ginny. Because Ginny would be angry and dad would be Heart broken. After awhile on the train I noticed Ron and Harry weren't there then I looked out the window and saw them. Harry was hanging out the flying cars door and Ron was holding on to him trying to pull him up.

"What are you looking at?" Ginny said. She looked out the window and I saw her mouth drop.

"Oh my god." She screamed so loud the whole train heard her. Pretty soon everyone was piled up looking out the window. Then I saw him pushing threw the crowd. Draco Malfoy I admired him for a second but then he said.

"I hope they both fall." And it pushed all of my buttons I turned to him and said.

"You are such a stuck up asshole." He look at me and said.

"Yeah well at least I'm not a Weasley." Then me and Ginny both went off Ginny said.

"I'd rather be a Weasley than a Malfoy."

"At least were not a disgrace to the name of wizards or stuck up little babies that cry to daddy about everything." He just look at me got up and left. I realized what I had said to him it was wrong true but wrong. Ginny looked at me and said.

"Good one." I just looked at her and smiled I didn't understand how she didn't think that was rude or disrespectful cause it was. When we got to Hogwarts it was everything I dreamed of. it was so beautiful and enchanting me and Ginny got on one of the boats and I couldn't help but notice a journal she had.

"What that?" I asked

"Nothing just some old blank diary I found when we got back from Diagon Alley."

"And you didn't tell me?"

"Kind of like how you didn't tell me the real reason you ran out of that bookstore." I just stared at her.

"Exactly." She said. After a few minutes of silence she asked me.

"So why did you run out Ava?"

"I already told you. I wanted to get my wand."

"I don't know why you try to lie." She said.

"You know you're not good at it."

I stayed silent the whole rest of the boat ride. When we got to Hogwarts we were first greeted by professor Mcgonagall.

"Before you sit down you must be sorted into your houses they are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Now I must go it seamed a couple of boys had a accident." Me and Ginny both look at each other at the same time and said.

"Ron and Harry." We laughed and then went into the doors where we saw professor Dumbledore and the rest of the staff besides professor snape and Mcgonagall. They called Ginnys name and put the hat on her head and the hat immediately said.

"Gryfinndor." Ginny was happy she got put in Gryfinndor. I was scarred cause what if I got put in slatherin would my own family hate me? I was last professor dumbledor called my name and everyone was whispering saying I was gonna get slytherin cause of what I said to Draco on the train I went up sat down and the hat said.

"Another weasley well I should put you in Gryfinndor but I see you are cunning, brave, and smart I better put you in." And then I knew it was coming I wasn't going to be in Gryfinndor. Than the hat said.

"Slytherin." Everyone was right but shocked at the same time they all thought I was gonna get Slytherin cause of what i said to Malfoy but I'm a Weasley so they were also surprised I didn't get Gryfinndor but I didn't. Ginny was upset cause we couldn't share a dorm as we planned and we would be seeing less of each other. But I was more worried about mom and dad and how they would react to me being put in Slytherin.

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