Chapter 4 ginny and avas diaries

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The next morning I went straight down stairs I didn't talk to anyone I sat down at the Slytherin table and Draco and his goons came over where I was Draco sat down beside me and Crabbe and Goyale sat across.

"So a Weasley in Slytherin?" Draco said with a smirk on his face. " what dose your family think?" I was surprised he was talking to me.

"Umm my sister doesn't like it neither dose Ron and Percy George and Fred don't care and no one else in my family knows yet." I said nervously.

"Of course Ron and Ginny don't like that your a Slytherin."

"Yeah a bit annoying really." I said looking at him and smiling.

"You know what I think we might get along." Draco said now smiling at me.

"What do you think about granger?"

"I don't really have a problem with her I just don't like the fact that she's muggle born." I said noticing that Ginny just walked into the great hall.

"I knew I would like you, friends?" Draco said with that smirk on his face which I loved.

"Friends but I have to Ginny is here and I have to ask her about something." I stood up and left before anyone could say anything else. I went over to the Gryfinndor table and sat beside Ginny.

"Ginny you need to tell me more about that diary it's weird and creepy."

"Fine, all I know is that it's a boys named Tom riddle."

"You should burn it."

"Why?" Ginny said I could tell she was getting annoyed at the fact that I kept asking about it.

"Because it's weird and you don't know where it came from."

"No." Ginny said Getting even more mad at me."it's mine and I'm keeping it now go you don't belong over here."

"Okay you don't have to be a ass." I said getting mad and I was about to turn around and say something else but before I could Percy came over.

"Ava, ginny what are you to arguing about you never argue." Percy said in a consered tone.

"Nothing." I said. "Apparently since I'm a Slytherin now I don't belong with my family so I'll be going now." I left and Percy of course followed me.

"Ava wait."

"What what do you want." I said trying to hold back tears and trying to kelp my voice down at the same time.

"What's wrong with you and Ginny and more importantly what's wrong with you cause your not acting like you."

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with Ginny and Ron and everyone else in this family."

"What are talking about." Percy said with a confuse look on his face.

"Everyone is treating me differently now that I'm in Slytherin."

"Neither is Fred or George. But you are acting different." Percy said and I knew he was right but I still dented it.

"How am I acting different?"

"I don't know your being meaner and you used to be really kind."

"People change." I said knowing that I wasn't acting like this yesterday.

"Not over night." "Now come with me." I followed Percy to the Gryfinndor common room.

" I'm not allowed in here." I said but it didn't look like Percy cared at all.

"I know but I wanna talk." Percy said sitting down on a couch. "Sit." I sat down right beside him on the couch.

"Now talk to me." Ive always like talking to Percy cause he actually listens and I get along with him the best.

"Ginny is being rude because I'm in Slytherin which is really annoying and I'm already scared about what mom and dad are going to say." I said trying my best to hold back tears.

"Mom and dad don't care." Percy said. I looked at him confuse about what he just said and how they found out.

"How did they find out?"

"Dumbledore told them."

"Ohh well where's Ginnys room she took my mascara and I want it back." I lied to him cause I really actually wanted that diary.

"I'll show you." Percy led me to her room and then left I searched through her room and found it under the pillow but I also found my diary. It was open to the page I wrote about Draco and realized that's why she's so mad at me I took them both and ran out of the common room without saying anything to anyone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2021 ⏰

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