auntie nat help W.M

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Wanda x Vision

WARRNINGS: death, violence etc

CHARACTER: your name is y/n or Rosie and you're 6

PLOT/REQUEST: this is another scene but this time it's from infinity war when Wanda and Vision are in Scotland and they get attacked but we're adding in their daughter (that doesn't exist but definitely should)

TIME STAMP: 00:38:11 but a little but before


Me, mommy and daddy are in Scotland right now and out in the streets even though it's late just talking when mommy notices from inside a shop a TV with the news on and how in New York there was some kind of attack happening, mommy gasps when she sees it. "What are they?" She asks dada. "What the stone was warning me about," dada replies, now watching it next to mommy with me standing in between them.

It said uncle tony is missing on the screen which upset me. "Mama lwook it says uncle tony is miswsing," I say pointing. "He'll be ok my baby," she replies to me stroking my hair. Daddy kisses mommy's hand and says. "I have to go,"  "I don't want you to go daddy," I tell him clutching his legs. "No! Vision!" Mommy exclaims. "Vision, if thats true, then maybe going isn't the best idea," she carries on. "Wanda, I..." daddy starts as something stabs through him causing me to scream and run to mommy. "DADDY!" I shout crying.

"VISION!" Mommy screams as daddy groans and she pushes me behind her. Daddy's mask comes on and he turns into his red self well that's what I call him. He gets thrown down and I watch from behind mommy crying. "Princess, listen to mommy closely, you need to go and hide behind that car and call auntie Nat, tell her what's happening and where we are, mommy and daddy love you!" She tells me and I nod running to hide as I take her phone and get auntie Nats phone number up and I call it.

I watch as it rings, mommy doing her powers and a nasty beast in front of her, I then spotted another thing or person I don't know coming to mommy but as I go to call out to her she gets blasted by it and into a window causing me to scream. "MAMA!" I scream crying as Auntie Nat answers the phone. "Yes Wanda? What do you need?" Nat asks in a slightly annoyed tone (quick Nat POV) as we were on our way to Scotland were one of the beasts were. (Ok back to rosies POV)

"A-auntie n-Nat," I say crying. "Oh Hi honey whats wrong? Why are you crying?" She asks me. "D-der d-dease bweasts and d-dey a-are attwacking m-mama and d-dada," o respond hysterically crying. "Were are you sweetheart?" Auntie Nat questions. "I am h-hiwding b-behwind a car and I t-think we a-are in s-scwottland," I tell her but suddenly the thing that blasted mommy blasts me and breaks the phone. I scream as I get blasted into a wall, I lay against the wall in pain.

I see daddy on the floor as the big beast jabs a sword into his head where the stone is, mommy runs over to me. "Baby! Oh my baby, I'm so so sorry this is happening," She tells me kissing my head and picking me up. I put my face into her neck not wanting to listen to the screams of my daddy.

Mommy quickly puts me down behind her as she had flown us up to a broken window and she blasts both of the beasts with her powers. She then picks me up and puts me on her back and picks daddy up with her powers all while flying herself and me over and into this courtyard place. "DADA!" I shout running to daddy as mommy helps him up. "The blade, it stopped me from phasing," daddy tells mommy as she helps him down and I sit next to him as he holds my hand with one hand. "Is that even possible?" Mommy questioned. "It isn't supposed to be," dada replies.

"My systems are failing," dada says as mommy uses her powers to stitch up daddy. "No daddy," I say holding his arm. "I'm beginning to think we should have stayed in bed," he tells us. "My poor baby are you hurt?" He asks diverting his attempting to me. "No dada, I am a strowng girl," I say. "I know you are my angel," he responds chuckling and kissing my head.

Suddenly a beast comes running at us, daddy pushes me and mommy away and mommy wraps her arms around me and the beast takes daddy. "VIS!" "DADDY!" Me and mommy shout. And the beast starts pushing daddy into walls.

The other thing that blasted me and mommy comes behind the pillar me and mommy were hiding behind, mommy pushes me behind somewhere else and starts fighting the thing, that close up looked like a person, I watch crying, clutching my blankey as my parents get hurt.

Mommy gets blasted again and far so I get up and start running, screaming for her and crying. "Oh I don't think so," the thing said and they grabbed me and threw me in the opposite direction, I scream as I hit the wall then the floor, crying my eyes out and they go back to fighting mommy, I lay there limply.

Mommy gets daddy and then me and starts flying us somewhere when we get hit again with a blast causing us to fall into a train station through the glass roof, I had loads of cuts on my face and body. "M-MAMA D-DADA," I cry out in pain. "Come on, come on, you gotta get up, sweetie," mommy says to me. "You gotta get up. Come on. hey," she continues. "Hey. We have to go baby girl," she tells me and then daddy. I get up however daddy doesn't which worries me. "Please. Please leave," daddy says to us holding mommy's face and my hand. "You asked me to stay,*pause* I'm staying," she replies to him. "Please," he says. "I'm not leavwing dada," I tell him as I lay my head in his neck and he wraps an arm around me.

Then both of beasts fall through the roof catching all of our attention. Mommy gets up in front of them as she riles her powers up in her hands ready to fight them, before anything could happen a train comes behind us, the beasts look at it confused causing mommy to look behind her as well. When the train passed a figure was seen there, the blasty thing throws something at them but they catch it and the person walks forward, I recognise them but I just didn't know who it was, it kind of looked like uncle Steve but he doesn't have a beard.

Then Sam or better known as falcon comes flying down and kicks the blasty dude through a coffee shop and he tries shooting at the other beast as well, mommy then comes over to us and smothers me in kisses while creasing my cheek and fixing my hair, the typical we almost died and I'm so happy you're ok routine.

I then see auntie Nat, I wanted to run to her but I knew I'd get hurt and told of by my parents and she was fighting and would tell me off for coming to her at that very moment. We watched as they fought them, I laid against my daddy and mommy was holding us.

They managed to get them both onto the floor, Sam points guns at them as one lays on the floor in pain after auntie Nat stabbed him. "We don't wanna kill you, but we will," auntie Nat says to them. "You'll never get the chance again," the blasty one says as they get beamed up by this blue light and I see a spaceship fly away.

They all come over to us and I run to auntie Nat. "AUNTIE NAT!" I shout ans run into her arms as she picks me up. "Hey munchkin, I've missed you, are you hurt?" She asks kissing my head. "I've missed you two, and no I'm ok," I tell her laying my head on her shoulder playing with her now blonde hair.

"Can you stand?" Sam asks daddy as him and mommy help him up. "Thank you, captain," daddy tells the other man then I realised it was uncle Steve, I didn't recondite him because he grew a beard, he just looked at dada. "Let's get you on the jet," he responds as we all follow him me still in auntie Nats arms.

We get into the jet and take off, leaving. Auntie Nat straps me into a seat next to mommy. "Now, I thought we had a deal," auntie nat starts. "Stay close, check in, dong take any chances," she continues. "I'm sorry," mommy says. "We just wanted time, especially with Rosie," mama adds. "I understand that but you could've gotten yourselves killed and Rosie, you're lucky we came," auntie Nat says as mommy holds me close.

authors notes
So this is gonna be in my new book so it's also kinda a sneak peek but my new book is basically gonna be infinity war with some of my own changes Ofc.
But I hope you liked it anyways

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