Chapter 30: who knows

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Back to where we left, as it cuts to Ruby cutting through Grimms, Blake shooting small nevermores, and Oobleck rooting through a plant as Grimm parts fall around him. He is center in the faces of tired Huntresses and very excited Hunters.

Oobleck: (As the newest batch of slain monster corpses start smoking, he happily cries) Excellent work, boys and girls! Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any signs of criminal operations in this sector. Oh, well! Moving on!

Yang: (As they follow Oobleck, she irritably asks) Hey, Doc, y'know, I was actually looking forward to seeing a "pro Huntsman" in action. Like, fighting, or at least, helping us fight?

Oobleck: (Over his shoulder) Ah, but I am in action! Scouring the ruins of this once-great city for any signs of irregularity! (Fully turns to the teams) Not every mission is filled with daring and heroism, boys and girls. Sometimes it's just a heightened form of extermination! Remember, this is a job, and you all signed up for it. I do hope you understand that.

Yang: Well, yeah... (Trying to sound more resolute with her answer) O-Of course!

Alex: It's more or less like a dangerous history field trip.

Cameron: We got more incoming.

Alex and Brandon look at each other. As three wolves make their way towards them.

Alex & Brandon: Rock Paper Scissors Shoot.

Alex Had paper and Brandon has rock.

Brandon: Damn.

Alex: Ayy let's go.

Alex stepped forward and held his sniper in one hand. All three charges but the one in front was shot in the dome, Second one tries to bite Alex but he dodges shooting a red dust on the side of his head, because of the blast Alex was unbalanced and spun to see another about to bite him but he shot directly in the mouth with ice, not only barely leaving it alive but slowly choking on ice.

Oobleck: Alright, I think it's a good time to spread out to cover more ground.

Alex: Alright.

Brandon: I'm getting the next batch though.

Nathan: Then it's my turn.

After they gone their separate ways, Nathan was faced with two wolves and finished them with KO easily.

Oobleck: May I ask; Why did you become a hunter Mr. Song?

Nathan: Easy, I had no choice.

Oobleck: And why did you have no choice?

Nathan: ...

Oobleck: I see.

Next we see Brandon using Fog slash cutting two Grimms with flesh wounds and finishing them with an over dramatic slash.

Oobleck: Mr. Spring, why did you become a Hunter?

Brandon: Well I thought why not, it's pretty cool. At least it's not gonna be boring.

Oobleck: Hm.

Then we see Cameron setting a trap just in case Grimms appear.

Oobleck: Mr. Cam, I wish to know why you became a hunter?

Cameron: It was more or less an option that appeared out of nowhere. I had no choice but to pick it.

Oobleck: your cousin, Mr Song said something similar to that.

And lastly we see Alex trying to snipe at a wolf.

Oobleck: Mr. Stvph!

Alex was startled at the sudden appearance of Dr. Oobleck that made him missed the shot but the wolf had no idea what happened.

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