Chapter 26

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My Back and waist is literally on fire right now I'm about to have my baby.

"It's okay baby you will be alright" Amir keeps reassuring me. He insisted on being in the labour room with me.

"Mrs Fatima you will have to push now" the doctor said

I pushed and pushed

"You're doing real good babe we can see the baby head already"

I pushed again and my baby came out crying. I felt so weak and everything kept turning dark

"Doctor what is wrong with my wife" I heard Amir ask

"Please Mr Amir excuse us" I heard them say.

I could finally open my eyes now. Seating beside me was Amir and he was crying

"Amir" I whispered

He immediately stood up and came closer

"My God you're awake" he said trying to clean the tears

"Water" he gave me water and went outside to call the doctor

Mama came in with the doctor and she looked sad as well.

"My Baby" she kissed my forehead

The doctor examined me and told them not to stress me

"Mama what happened?" I asked

"You passed out after giving birth 2 days ago. The doctor said you lost a lot of blood" She told me

"Where is my babywell"She is in the nursery" Mama said

"It's a girl" I smiled

"We have a daughter babe" Amir smiled and came closer to give me a kiss

"I heard the new mum is awake" Mr Akbar said entering the room with the rest of his family

"I'm so happy I'm an aunt now" Camilla said excited

"I'll so spoil her silly" Naheem said

The next day I was discharged. Amir drove us home my daughter keeps crying even after been fed.

"Are you sure she is not sick?" I asked Amir

"The doctor said she is fine" he assured me

When we finally got home we rang the doorbell but there wasn't any response. Amir had to use his key

"Why is this place dark" he said and switched on the light


Our house was packed with people and decorated with congratulations on the baby. I was so happy. Mrs Grace came to collect my daughter.

"My Darling your father in-law and I arranged to say welcome back home"

"I'm grateful" I told her and hugged her

Aliya was also invited she stayed with me in my room and kept insisting I make her my baby's Godmother.

"Fatima I should be the God mother" Halima said

Both of them keeps arguing about who should be the God mother

"I deserve to be the baby's God mother" Aliya insisted

"I'm your sister so I deserve it more"

"Please don't play that card here. I'm your best friend and Halima is already the baby's aunt I deserve a title as well" Aliya

"That's true Halima you're my baby's aunt so Aliya should be the God mother"

"Fine" Halima agreed and Aliya jumped with joy

"You both know your inconsiderate right?Fatima here needs rest but you're not allowing her to rest" Yusra said

"Oh okay we will be downstairs. You can sleep now bestie" Aliya said taking my sisters with her

That night I couldn't sleep properly my baby kept crying for food. She sleeps for an hour or two wakes up and wants to breastfeed again.

"Babe breakfast is ready"

"Please I want to sleep" I told Amir

"You can do that after eating perhaps the baby is sleeping already"

"You don't know her she doesn't sleep for long" I told him adjusting properly on the bed

"Come on she has been sleeping for a while now she is a good girl" he said and that made me laugh

"But I still want to sleep"

"Please eat what if Adeeva wakes up she will need food too you need to refuel".

" What did you call her?"I asked

"Adeeva don't you like it?"

"You named her already"

"I had to I kept disturbing you for the baby's name before she was born but you kept saying we should wait"

"Adeeva is beautiful I love it" I moved closer to kiss him

"I love this loving part of my wife" he teased

As predicted Adeeva woke up and my only opportunity to sleep was gone all Amir's fault.

It's been a month since Adeeva joined the family she has everyone wrapped around her finger. Mr Akbar and Amir keeps calling  to check on her whenever they are at work.

Camilla and Naheem has bought her so many toys. My baby's room is filled with toys. Mrs Grace helps in carrying her whenever I'm tired she adores Adeeva.

"Where is my little one daddy is here" Amir said entering the room.

He collected Adeeva from me and started playing with her.

"Amir I want to talk to you"

"Is anything the problem?"

How will I do this now, I'm dieing of guilt and I'm ready to face the consequences.

Amir placed Adeeva in her cot and came to seat beside me.

"I'm listening" he said

"Amir I'm sorry I did not want it to happen this way I swear but I was afraid"

"What are you sorry for?"

"Adeeva isn't yours" I finally said

He kept quiet for a while what he said next shocked me

"I know"

"What! you knew why didn't you confront me?"

"When the doctor told us how far gone you were I did my calculation. I know about you and Jabber"

"Amir I'm sorry I swear I was stupid but then I know if placed in that position again I'll still repeat this same thing. I just wanted to feel loved Amir. You hated me back then, you always made me feel sad and unloved. I'm honestly not saying this justifies my action because I know what i did was wrong"

"I never hated you I have always loved you. I had to bear the pain of your betrayal"

"Amir I'm ready to face whatever punishment you have for me" I told him

"I want one thing from you"

"What is that"

"I want Adeeva to know just me as her father. I don't think I'll survive if anyone takes her away from me" he sadly said

I looked at him and for the first time in a long while

I cried

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