4- You Can Run Away With Me

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^This is Lola's art style

At school some kids were kicking a ball in the road, and I was wandering aimlessly listening to MCR, and the ball came right to me, so obviously I kicked it, but then it went like ten feet to the left of the other kid so he had to run and get it, and I was like 'Oops', but I had headphones in, so I said it way too loud, and they probably thought I did it on purpose and now I feel like an asshole even though I didn't.I

Again, written on tablet, so point out errors.


The next week passed uneventfully. Lola and I continued our usual schedule, sharing most of our classes. I kept expecting them to realize what a huge mistake they had made, and quit hanging out with me, but for some reason they never did. 

In fact, we grew closer as the days passed. We partnered in everything, including gym, which was the highlight of my entire life to be able to actually like someone on my team and not be trampled by jocks, even if the two of us still had to be on the leftovers team.

We even joined up for a new super stressful torture method straight from hell, known as the Ionic Bond Presentation, or as each year of juniors referred to it, the Demonic Bond Presentation.

I won't even try to explain, but essentially we had to make this huge ass presentation, and it sucks.

Plus, because Lola and I have the oh-so wonderful privilege of being in AP Biology, we get to work with a random senior as well. And guess who decided to be absent on the first day of group picking, causing him too be assigned to us?

Frank fucking Iero.

Lovely, I know.

On the brightside, (ha ha) Lola decided we would definitely be needing all night to compose the first section of our assignment, and invited me over to their house for a sleepover.

Obviously, I agreed that our academics were very important, and we would most definitely be needing as much time as possible.


I let Mikey drive again on the way home, and Mom had the day off, so she was in the downstairs living room watching some TV show. Mikey's room was upstairs, so we decided to have some sibling bonding time, by which I mean I read all his comics while he practised bass.

He and his friend Pete had apparently been writing this super complicated bass line for a non-existent song, because they claimed most of the existing ones were boring.

I thought he was doing a pretty good job, but he then kicked me out of his room because he had to call Pete and complain.

I decided there was nothing me to do up here, so I might as well brave downstairs. Actually, I still had to ask my Mom if I could go to Lola's house for 'school', since she didn't respond to my text.

But since I was a coward, I decided to hide in my room and text Lola for courage.

Once I was sat on my bed, I pulled out my phone and opened the lock.

(A/n bold is Lola, plain italics is Gerard.)

Sup alien friend

They replied almost immediately.


Ready to come over and meet my wonderful sister and sibling?

I actually still have to ask my Mother. 😣


I believe in you Gee! You can do it!

I smiled slightly, before tapping out my reply.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2020 ⏰

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