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Part 2.

-3 days after Agwin Turf War battle had ended.

In a ominous unlit room where even the faintest bit of light could illuminate the room and give life.

Lied a dark haired boy rolled up in his bed sheets.


He turned at the sound of watch clicking.



He faced upwards and now was facing the ceiling. With his arms outspread out, taking the feeling of the cool air outside of his bed sheets. His tire and gloomy look, it seemed like he was having trouble sleeping tonight and would continue this dreaded curse until daytime arrived.

He lifted himself up and looked to his left.

5:08 a.m

He let out a sigh of displeasure. He had been hoping that he wouldn't have to spend any more of his valuable time looking into the imaginary stars.

He lifted himself out of bed opened the curtains that destroyed all visible light of life.

His room now had a phantom dim color and was much more appreciated than the pitch void that was previously given.

He walked towards his desk and picked out a notebook.



On a bright and dazzling morning, where the sun laughed, birds chipped and a bit of clouds wandered in the sky.

The hallways of Wellston High School were bustling out in the morning.

Waves and waves of students flooding the hallways.

Chit and chatter, gawking faces all rubbed on them. Almost as if a plague had struck the students and was extremely contagious that even the most unaware, ignorant and oblivious people caught it.

That very disease spread throughout the school and each student was pinned with it.

Whether some accepted this plague and disease and embraced it was something else.

Many of them fought back. Their immune systems took a defensive stance.

This disease known as ◾️◾️◾️◾️◾️◾️◾️◾️ prowled.

Within the crowd a black haired boy, two students, and a magenta haired girl with blue eyes stood there, with there backs toward a wall. On the opposite of them stood three students as well.

Two students from the opposing side laid on the floor and another stood up with his fierce, glowing eyes.

A boy with light green hair and a aura focused around his hand. only one person had this ability and it was none other than Kalum. "I know you guys aren't going to do anything. With the new rules you low tiers sure are taking this seriously." His bitter words held content towards at the group that was defending themselves.

John and Seraphina held next to no bruises as they teamed up to fight. The other two next to them were the ones that had more marks on them, as they were the victims to the bullying.

The pair of two laying in the floor were taken cared of rather quick. However, Kalum who fought with a distance and created even more distance was a bit different than the other.

John was the only one that dripped blood from his mouth as he had been hit on the mouth and had a busted lip. He smudged that with his hand and replied. " You know you're gonna get caught. You can't go around hurting anyone you want."

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