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Dead. Is that what I am? Am I dead? I open my eyes. No. I wouldn't be able to open them if I were dead. I see a room. I recognise it, it is my parents bedroom. I see my mum. Crying. I try to hug her but I can't. I can't move. I look around and start to scream. No, I'm not able to. I look at myself. Laying next to my mum. I don't look alive. I look exhausted. Why can I see myself? Where am I? I keep looking around and realise I'm on the top of the room. Little dust grains are flying around me and I am one of them. I'm nothing but dust. I look at my mum again. I'm right here, mum. Please. Please look at me. Please stop crying. I'm here. I'm here. And then I'm not anymore. Everything turns black and my body starts to hurt. Hurt? I'm dust. My body can't hurt. I open my eyes again. I'm in my body. I feel pain. I feel my mum holding me. I take a deep breath.
And then I'm gone.

more than just a dream | reggie x readerWhere stories live. Discover now