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Okay, got it. I'm dead. Great. Stupid asthma. But why can I still think? This doesn't make any sense. Maybe I'm just in a coma and not dead. But isn't a coma patient supposed to hear other people talking? Maybe nobody is visiting me. Yeah, that's it. I'm in a coma and don't have any friends.

I open my eyes. Again. Okay. No hospital. No nurses. I'm in a club? Now it's clear. I drank too much and passed out. Again. There's no other way. I get up, the pain from earlier is gone. Shouldn't I at least have a headache? Nobody's here. Great. They forgot to wake me up before the club closed. I see some silver shining tables with chairs in the same colour. A stage is there too. Damn, this club looks expensive. How did I get in here?

I look at the stage. Some drums, a microphone and in the background I see a sign saying 'HGC'.

What the hell is that supposed to mean? It's short for something but I don't remember for what. I remember me being dust, damn that dream was weird. I think I died in it but apparently I just don't learn from my mistakes. Drinking was always a bad habit of mine. I start to walk and search for an exit. Successfully. I go outside.

Okay seriously, how did I get here? I have no clue where I am. I look around and start walking towards the first person I see. "Excuse me sir, can you tell me where the next train station is?", I ask. He ignores me. Rude. I walk towards a girl, she seems to be the same age as I am. "Uhm, excuse me, where is the next train station?", I try again. Ignored. I tap on her shoulder or lets say, I'm trying to.

My hand slides through her arm. What the hell. What is she? I try to tap on a random guy's shoulder. My hand goes through. What am I? Shit. Shit. Shit. What am I going to do now? Is that what happens after death? I'm a...ghost? Why can't I be a vampire? Would be much cooler.

I feel a tear on my cheek. Suddenly I just want to go home. I want to see my mum. My dad. My little sister.

Wait. Okay. I'm home. How does this whole ghost being work? I think of a place and suddenly I'm there? I would've needed this in school. I see my family. They look tired. Exhausted. I feel so sorry for them. This is the second child they're losing.

They're sitting in my room. My sister is asleep on my giant teddy bear. My mum sits next to her, looking through a photo album of mine. My dad is reading my journal. Wait, dad! Doesn't matter if I'm dead, privacy! "Dad, stop reading my journal.", I say, forgetting nobody can hear me. He looks into my direction and I jump. "Richard, what are you looking at?", my mum asks. "Nothing, I thought I saw a shadow.", he mumbles. A shadow. I start walking till I'm in front of him and start waving and jumping. C'mon dad, see the shadow. See the goddamn shadow. He doesn't react. Shit. Here goes my last bit of hope that anyone could see me. I hear a 'plop' right next to me and jump again.

It's him. It's my brother.

I stare at him until he stares back. "(Y/N)?", he asks shocked. "You can see me?", i ask back. "What happened? Why are you dead? Why can you see me?", he mumbles. "Went for a jog, asthma. Wasn't the best idea", I answer while shrugging my shoulders. "Wait, so you're a ghost too? Can ghosts see each other? Okay, obviously we can. Is that cause we're related or is that a general thing? Did you watch me all those years. Damn, I feel stalked. I wonder who else was watching me. God, my poor privacy.", I start to ramble. "(Y/N) calm down, oh my god.", he says laughing and hugs me. "I- I can feel you.", I stutter. "I missed you (Y/N)", he laughs.

"I missed you too caleb."

more than just a dream | reggie x readerWhere stories live. Discover now