XLVI. Underboss

288 23 3

A/N: Includes human trafficking theme

"Move! Faster!" The adults swatted sticks on our backs even when we're moving fast towards the container van.

We sat down inside while our hands our tied. Then I rested my head on the wall.

"Taehyung-hyung, where is America?" I asked.
"I don't know. Said we're crossing the sea so it might be far far away."
"Then how long are we going to stay here?"
"Just close your eyes and sleep. You won't even notice it."

Why is this happening to us?

We were seven and five years old. We hid inside the cabinet while the adults kill our parents outside. Hyung told me to shut my eyes close and he covered my ears. After some time, which I felt like a year, hyung removed his hands.

"Shh." He then covered my mouth.

I saw those adults pulling the corpses of our parents. They were murmuring on how useful they are and stuff. I did not understand what was going on.

What I understand is that we need to keep hiding. But with my tiny mistake, I put both of us in this situation.


"Well, I think we had our audience over here." A man opened the cabinet wide and pulled us.

"Hyung! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"
"Mingyu! Run! Go!!"

Hyung pushed his body to one of them and bit his arm. I don't want to leave him but my feet won't let me stay. I ran away as far as I could. I was so scared. If only I had held my breath there, hyung and I could have escaped.


I stopped running. I was already one block away from our house but I heard my brother winced.

I can't leave him.

I ran back our house and saw hyung's body on the floor with blood flowing at the side of his lips.

"HYUNG!" This time, without second thought, I punched the adult but I felt fist on my face instead. Then my consciousness faded.

I woke up with hyung by my side, with our hands and feet tied up. It's really dark in here, but I can see the silhouette of other people. There are teenagers, man, woman, and kids like us.

That's when I heard that they want to bring us to America, whatever or whereever that is.

I felt the container van move upwards. I don't know what's happening but I felt hyung's hands trying to untie my knot.

"Hyung, even if you untie us, there's no way out."
"You'll never know. Wait, there." I got free and saw a glass shard in hyung's hand.

"Take this and untie me."

I did and untied him.

"Now, free other's too." Hyung commanded.

"Oh, but we can't do anything." A woman told us.

"Sorry, if hyung instructed me, I follow that." I went near and untied her. In the middle of it, the van rapidly fell down.

Everyone were surprised and screamed. Others just bowed down their heads since they can't hold onto anything. Others went rolling to the other side.

Taehyung grabbed and hugged me, protecting my head. All of us just rolled inside as the van bounced.

And at last it stopped.

"Hyung.. hyung are you okay?"
"Yeah, ack-"

He spat some blood. I don't know how the adults harmed him a while ago but he might still not be okay from that.

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