XLVIII. Hunter

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"The pistol was never stolen, then?!" Wonwoo pointed a finger at Mingyu.
"So you're Taehyung's dongsaeng?" Joshua did the same.
"You're the boss, the key to our promotion?!" Seokmin also did the same.
"You're the reason why we almost died in the antique shop!" I did the same too, since they're on the blaming game right now.

"Uhm, so you're the clumsy burden on me, or something." The8 copied us lazily. I stared at him and he gestured a 'what?'

"You don't have to join if you don't want to."
"Good." And he took a seat.

"Wait wait wait stop that!" Mingyu put his hands in front of us.

"Mingyu! All this time I've been doing researches so I can help you find your gun." Wonwoo said.
"I'm really sorry. I just don't want to be.. I.."

"I'm trying to understand you, okay? But you could have at least informed your mafia-mate about this." I said.
"Mafia-mate? Oh, you're talking about the antique shop?"
"Yeah, Woozi, I think."
"What happened?"

"Well, first, Woozi went on rampage when he saw Joshua with the pistol. Second, he plotted an ambush when Joshua was imprisoned. Amazing, right?"
"I don't know that. Why is he that mad?"
"Because you did not tell him that it's not stolen."
"But.. He's not like that.."

"Oh, kinda weird, then. What can you say, Joshua?" I turned to him and he has this puppy eyes like he's about to cry. "Hey now, it's okay. We're going to resolve this." I patted his head.

"Mingyu.. You're Kim Mingyu." Joshua said.

"What's wrong?" Seokmin is now concerned too.

"I thought I was imagining things. When I was young, I really wanted a brother. I think I saw a kid in the house. I thought, finally I'm gonna have a brother. Taehyung always tried to keep distance from me. I don't know, maybe because of the status. I don't know. So not just Taehyung, Vernon, and Woozi. You're also my brother."

"Are you not mad?" Mingyu asked.
"I'm worried. This gun put my friends in danger. But now I heard your story, I think I understand you. It's hard, right? To make this decision. When you went to my clinic, I was thankful for the gun. I have no idea who are you or what you want from me, but I felt like you are genuinely worried about me."

"I'm so sorry." Mingyu said.
"It's fine now." And they smiled at each other.

That smile kinda settled the mood now. We all finally sat down and I felt something hit my butt. The first aid kit. I picked it up and sat down properly.

I realized,

"Joshua! Your hand!!"
"Oh, right. That's why I'm feeling weak."

How can I forget about Joshua's gun shot wound on his hand?

He took the rubber bands and tied it around his wrist. He then started cleaning his wounds. We all watched him do it, but I want to help. I want to ask him what can I do but words failed to come out of my mouth. Later on, he breathed in deeply and went in for the bullet.

"How can I help?" Finally I said it. I held his shoulders because I saw him all shaky.
"You're helping already." He said.

"Ah, I know a little about first aid. I can help you take out the bullet." Mingyu offered. We just looked at him and he said "I just thought I can be of help. I'm not a doctor but-"

"Thank you, Mingyu." Joshua said and handed the medical scissors to him.
"I'll do my best. This is just going to hurt a little, okay?"
"A little, you say?" He laughed.

Wonwoo prepared a large bowl for the blood while Seokmin holds a clean towel.

I rested my face on Joshua's back while I hold his shoulders. I'm not ready to hear him wince in pain. Is anesthetics that expensive? Why can I only see it in Joshua's clinic and not in everyone's first aid kit? I'll buy sometime and bring it with me everywhere.

"Here we go." Mingyu said it and Joshua started to tremble more violently. He is holding his shout back but I felt the pain from his chest.

I buried my face deeper on his back to hold back my tears. If only I realized that Joshua ran earlier, I could have prevented this.

"Sorry sorry! But there, I got the bullet." Mingyu tossed it at the tissue beside us. "I'll also dress this up."
"Thanks again, Mingyu." He said it with a weak voice.

I did not remove my face on his back. I still cannot look at him. But I can hear the disinfectant being opened and the gauze being unrolled.

Then I felt a hand on my head. Joshua patted and brushed my hair. He leaned his head backwards to rest on top of my head.

I feel so weak. I want to cry but it's so embarrassing if I do right now. People around here might think I'm too sensitive. It's not like a life threatening wound, I know. But I really hate this.

"Is this good, Joshua?" Mingyu asked.
"It's perfect."

I guess it's done, but I refused to look at it. I'm still in the very fragile state.

"Look at this guys, this is neat." I felt Joshua's arm waved.
"It's not that good." Mingyu said.

I finally decided to lift my head and take a glance at the wound. His hand is already clean. No more blood drippinh from it. It's good, right? It's treated. It will heal. It will come back as new. Just like how my wounds healed.

"Seokmin-ah. We have matching bandage."
"Haha! Look, your's left and mine's right."
"Left and right bandage!"

Ugh. Now I want a matching bandage, too. Is a shot in the hand hurt that much? Should I try to pull a trigger on my right hand now?

"Hannie~" Joshua waved his hand in front of me. Is he teasing me?

"Stop that."
"Stop that, too."
"Stop what?"

I paused. So I was already being obvious, huh? Even our oblivious guy here sensed that I'm being dramatic. I'm afraid if I say any word right now, my tears will ran down. So I composed myself and said

"I'm sorry."
"For what? I'm alive, thank you."
"But you're hurt. Sorry!"
"You told me this before, reserve your apologies."

Oh god. I want to cry so bad. I can't say it. I want to tell him that I hate to see him in pain. I swore to myself and to Seung Su to protect you. I'd rather take that bullet for you, just be safe, Joshua.

This is so frustrating.

"You don't understand-"

"Excuse me, Hong Jisoo." Wonwoo cut me. "About the pistol, are you going to keep it?"

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