Chapter 1

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I still remember the day it all
happened...the day my family
was torn apart.

[Flashback 9 years ago]

Mother=Akame hurry and take your


???=Hurry search the area. Kill the
parents and take the children!



???=Where the hell do you think
your going you little runts!

Mother=No stop please! Anything
but my children!

???=Shut up you stupid little bitch. Not unless you want to end up like your husband!

???=Boss! One of the kids is getting

Boss=kill the kid!

Mother=No please!

Akame/Kurome=Y/N run!

Mother=No I won't let you kill him!

Boss=God dammit you stupid bitch, stop squirming!

I watched as my mother fought
back. And when she was killed,
I ran.

I ran as fast as I could and
I couldn't do anything. I left my
sisters to be sold to the empire
and I just ran knowing I couldn't
do anything.

Since that day, I made a promise. A promise to never forget.

I would get revenge
on the empire and i will rescue my sisters even if
it meant I had to give up my own life.

[Flashback End]

[At the Capital]


I am currently standing in front of the Capital entrance gate while holding a Katana named Yamato...

I am currently standing in front of the Capital entrance gate while holding a Katana named Yamato

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Y/n=I finally here...

Suddenly someone touched my shoulder.

???=Hey Is it your first time here?

I then looked at the person who was talking to me.

I then looked at the person who was talking to me

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Y/n=Um, Yeah..

???=Me too. this is my first time here.

Tatsumi=Anyway my name is Tatsumi nice to meet you!

Y/n=I'm y/n nice to meet you too!

Tatsumi=so y/n what brought you here?

Y/n=oh i just came here to search my sister, How about you?

Tatsumi=i come here to make a name for myself and earn money for my village!

Y/n=May your dreams come true..


Y/n=Anyway Tatsumi i should go now

Tatsumi=Shall we meet again?

Y/n=Yeah, i'm sure we will meet again.

Y/n=Bye Tatsumi!

Tatsumi=goodbye Y/n!

I then leave.

I started walking around the town.

Y/n=now how do i find my sister here?



I then looked back and i see a tall blonde haired women.

I then looked back and i see a tall blonde haired women

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???=Something seems to be troubling you, young man.

???=want a lady to lend a hand?

Y/n thought=s-so this is the Capital girl...

???=Hey what's wrong with you?


???=so what brought you here in the Capital?

Y/n=Um, i came here just to search my sister

???=Oh really?


???=tell me the trait or name of your sister, maybe i can help

Y/n=Okay, my sister Name is Akame hmm she have a black hair and red eyes


Y/n=Do you know her?



???=Well, i should leave now. I will give you information if i found your sister


She then leave.

*Leone POV*

I then leave.

Leone=Huh? He said he was looking for his sister named Akame

Leone=Well, he does look like Akame but is he really Akame brother?


Long Lost Little Brother(Akame Ga Kill x Vergil + God Hand male reader)Where stories live. Discover now