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After kageyama left,I was so tired,I went to my bed and laid down,closing my eyes and letting out a soft sigh as I pulled the covers over myself. Tsukishima and kageyama weren't known for showing much emotion,so this is a little confusing for me..my mind went blank and I had fallen asleep,breathing lightly and moving to my side. I woke up the next morning,I had woken up before my alarm and groaned as I sat up and stretched out,I had felt a lot better,not as sick. I picked up my phone and saw it light up immediately
"Hey Yachi,you feeling any better this morning?" A text from yamaguchi,I smiled when I saw it,texting back
"I'm feeling better,thank you tadashi."
"That's good. I'll meet you at the front of school with tsukki!"
"Okay,see you soon." As I sent off the last text I quickly got up and went to my bathroom,turning on the shower and undressing. I stepped into the warm water and shivered as the cold air hit my body the same time the warm water did. I washed off with my favourite shampoo,it smells like sweets! Bubble gum as well...! Anyways I had finished after about fifteen minutes and dried myself off,walking back into my room my alarm when off,I flinched in surprise then giggled and turned it off. I got dressed into my school uniform,fixing up my bow and doing my hair,today adding a ribbon instead of my hair tie,I liked the warming red coloured ribbon in my light blond hair,tucking it back a little but nice and neat,I looked pretty...I admit that for once. After I examined myself I packed all my school stuff into my bag and walked into the kitchen,grabbing some cereal and as I went to grab the milk I saw a note on the fridge,

"Won't be home until late. Order some take out to night for yourself,don't mind about the cooking. Love you,stay safe.
- mom"

I read the note and sighed,pulling it off and onto the counter as I grab the milk and pour it into my bowl,I quickly eat it the grab my bag and things,leaving the house and locking the door behind me. I walked towards my school.

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