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This morning I texted Yachi,checking on her,I felt really bad when I found out she was sick but she's strong,I knew she'd be okay! After I texted her I got dressed and grabbed my things,waving bye to my parents as I walked out of the house and met up with tsukki at ukais shop,we got meat buns and some water for breakfast then started to walk to school. The whole time I couldn't get Yachi off my mind,I guess I was zoning out.

"But the freak du- yams? Are you even listening?" Tsukki asked as he looked at me,lifting up his glasses with his middle and index finger
"G-goman tsukki! I just have...things,on my mind" I said nervously chuckling as I started to eat my meat bun while walking still
"Things? As in what tadashi?" His voice curious and slightly teasing
I just looked up at him with raised eyebrows and a mouth full as I shrugged,blushing a little and trying to make him stop,but,of course, he continued
"Just tell me. We are best friends after all,right?" He used THAT against me,I hated it but I sighed after I swallowed and spoke
"A girl." His eyes widened then softened as he smirked
"A girl? Who is this madam?" He said,teasing but it made me nervous and blushe some more
"A-a girl we both know.."
"Go into detail tadashi,you've got feelings for her,I wanna hear what you've got to say" he chuckles lightly and looks at me warmly,it was nice then I began to speak
"This girl..is short..which is adorable,she enjoys head pats and gets nervous,anxious easily just like me. shes so beautiful,her skin glows and her smile lights up the whole room,her soft voice is so calming and I want her to talk me to sleep..yet she can be very apologetic for no reason,she helps out and does a lot for us..she doesn't know how much I app-" I stopped as I realised I had rambled on,smiling and blushing the whole time,I could continue for hours,write a whole book about this girl.
"Well well well,little yamaguchi tadashi is finally gaining some confidence!" He ruffled my hair and laughed,I laughed lightly with him as we got to the school and I stopped at the front
"Hm?" Tsukki hummed confused
"Waiting for Yachi to arrive.."
"Ahhh the girl you like,of course.." he walks off into school and into his class. I was confused with why he was like that all of a sudden,I shrugged and looked over at Yachi as she walked towards me,holding her bag strands and looking at me with her magnificent smile
"Morning yama-kun!" She said bowwing her head to me respectfully,how cute,I did the same
"Good morning yachchan,I'll walk you to class" I softly smile at her as she nods
"Thank you. You honestly don't have to do this though" she argued,I shook my head and started to walk as she followed along beside me,her arms dropping down and touching my hand almost every time our arms swung,we both blushed as we arrived at her class,we stopped at the door frame
"Thank you again,I appreciate this a lot!" She moved a strand of hair from my face,in a friendly manner of course but I blushed more and nodded
"Of course,anytime,I enjoy being with you.." she blushed a LOT from that,causing me to giggle and she whined,I gave her a head pat and gently kissed her cheek
"Have a good day,I'll see you at practice!" I walk off and wave my hand as she entered her class,a blushing mess. I giggle more and see tsukkis head poke back into the class as I walk in
"Tsukki..? You okay?" He just gave a nod In response,I sat in my desk next to him as class started,I looked out the door and saw kageyama and hinata running past to their class,late as usual. It gave me a chuckle then I started to focus on class,letting the time pass as I thought of her.

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